Table Of Contents

Searching a Processed Sample with a Glycopeptide Database

The end-goal of all of these tools is to be able to identify glycopeptides from experimental data. After you’ve constructed a glycopeptide database and deconvoluted an LC-MS/MS data file, you’re ready to do just that.

Memory Consumption and Workload Size

Extensive use of caching and work-sharing has been done to make searching enormous databases still tractable. If you find you are running out of memory during a search consider shrinking the -w parameter.

Build a Glycosite Network Smoothing Model

glycresoft analyze fit-glycoproteome-smoothing-model

glycresoft analyze fit-glycoproteome-smoothing-model [OPTIONS]


-p, --processes <int>

Number of worker processes to use. Defaults to 4 or the number of CPUs, whichever is lower [default: 4]

-i, --analysis-path <string>

[required] (May specify more than once)

-o, --output-path <path>


-q, --fdr-threshold <float>

The FDR threshold to apply when selecting identified glycopeptides [default: 0.05]

-P, --glycopeptide-hypothesis <tuple>
-g, --glycan-hypothesis <tuple>
-u, --unobserved-penalty-scale <float>

A penalty to scale unobserved-but-suggested glycans by. Defaults to 1.0, no penalty. [default: 1.0]

-a, --smoothing-limit <float>

An upper bound on the network smoothness to use when estimating the posterior probability. [default: 0.2]

-r, --require-multiple-observations, --no-require-multiple-observations

Require a glycan/glycosite combination be observed in multiple samples to treat it as real. Defaults to False. [default: False]

-w, --network-path <path>

The path to a text file defining the glycan network and its neighborhoods, as produced by glycresfoft build-hypothesis glycan-network, otherwise the default human N-glycan network will be used with the glycans defined in -g.


Unlike the glycan search tool, the glycopeptide search tool does not apply combinatorial expansion of adducts. It will not mix mass shifts of different types together, so if both Ammonium 2 and Na1H-1 1 are specified, the algorithm will only search for 0, 1, or 2 Ammonium shifts and 0 or 1 Na1H-1 shifts. This is in order to keep the search space tractable, but also in tested datasets, most multiply adducted ion species are low in abundance.