
To install glycresoft, you will need git, Python 2.7, a C compiler compatible with that Python version, Make, and the ability To install NumPy and SciPy. It is recommended that you create a virtual environment for the purpose.

  1. git clone
  2. cd glycresoft
  3. make install-dependencies

At this point the command line tool glycresoft will be available, and should be on your PATH tied to the current Python environment.

To build a bundled executable not tied to the active Python environment, follow these steps:

  1. pip install PyInstaller
  2. make build-pyinstaller
  3. ./pyinstall/dist/glycresoft-cli/glycresoft-cli -h

Now, the compiled artefacts in ./pyinstaller/dist/glycresoft-cli can be relocated and ran by anyone without needing to have a version of Python configured and installed.