
Source code for psims.mzml.writer

mzML is a standard rich XML-format for raw mass spectrometry data storage.
Please refer to ` <>`_
for the detailed specification of the format and structure of mzML files.

In addition to mzML, there is a wrapping format called ``indexedmzML``
which adds an extra layer to the XML document, including pre-computed byte offsets
for each ``<spectrum>`` and ``<chromatogram>`` element.

To write ``mzML`` without an index use :class:`PlainMzMLWriter`, and for ``indexedmzML``
use :class:`IndexedMzMLWriter`. Because so many tools rely on the index, :class:`IndexedMzMLWriter`
is exported under the alias `MzMLWriter`. The interface for these two classes are the same,
with :class:`IndexedMzMLWriter` having slightly more complex behavior on writing and when finishing
the document, though you are able to alter the indexing behavior via :attr:`IndexedMzMLWriter.index_builder`
or through inheritance.

import numbers
import warnings

from typing import List, Optional, Dict, Tuple, Mapping, Iterable, TypedDict, Union, DefaultDict

from collections import defaultdict

import numpy as np

from psims.xml import CVParam, XMLWriterMixin, XMLDocumentWriter
from psims.controlled_vocabulary import Entity
from psims.utils import TableStateMachine

from .components import (
    ComponentDispatcher, FileDescription, Software, Spectrum, element,
    default_cv_list, MzML, InstrumentConfiguration, IndexedMzML)

from .binary_encoding import (
    encode_array, COMPRESSION_ZLIB,
    encoding_map, compression_map, dtype_to_encoding)

from .utils import ensure_iterable
from .index import IndexingStream
from .native_id import NativeIDParser

from .element_builder import ElementBuilder, ParamManagingProperty

MZ_ARRAY = 'm/z array'
INTENSITY_ARRAY = 'intensity array'
DEFAULT_INTENSITY_UNIT = "number of detector counts"
CHARGE_ARRAY = 'charge array'
TIME_ARRAY = "time array"
NON_STANDARD_ARRAY = 'non-standard data array'

    "ion mobility array",
    "temperature array",
    "pressure array",
    "flow rate array",
    "time array",
    "resolution array",
    "baseline array",
    "mean charge array",
    "signal to noise array",
    "charge array",
    "intensity array",
    "m/z array",
    "scanning quadrupole position upper bound m/z array",
    "scanning quadrupole position lower bound m/z array",
    "noise array",
    "wavelength array",
    "sampled noise m/z array",
    "sampled noise intensity array",
    "sampled noise baseline array",
    "mass array",
    "raw inverse reduced ion mobility array",
    "mean inverse reduced ion mobility array",
    "raw ion mobility array",
    "mean ion mobility array",
    "mean ion mobility drift time array",
    "raw ion mobility drift time array",
    "deconvoluted ion mobility drift time array",
    "deconvoluted ion mobility array",
    "deconvoluted inverse reduced ion mobility array"

class ArrayTypeSpec(TypedDict):
    name: str
    unit: Union[Mapping[str, str], CVParam]

ArrayType = Union[str, ArrayTypeSpec]

class DocumentSection(ComponentDispatcher, XMLWriterMixin):

    def __init__(self, section, writer, parent_context, section_args=None, **kwargs):
        if section_args is None:
            section_args = dict()
        super(DocumentSection, self).__init__(parent_context)
        self.section = section
        self.writer = writer
        self.section_args = section_args

    def native_id_format(self):
        return self.writer.native_id_format

    def __enter__(self):
        return self.begin()

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
        self.end(exc_type, exc_value, traceback)

    def begin(self):
        self.toplevel = element(self.writer, self.section, **self.section_args)
        return self

    def end(self, exc_type=None, exc_value=None, traceback=None):
        self.toplevel.__exit__(exc_type, exc_value, traceback)

class SpectrumListSection(DocumentSection):
    def __init__(self, writer, parent_context, section_args=None, **kwargs):
        super(SpectrumListSection, self).__init__(
            "spectrumList", writer, parent_context, section_args=section_args,
        self.section_args.setdefault("count", 0)
        data_processing_method = self.section_args.pop(
            "data_processing_method", None)
            self.section_args["defaultDataProcessingRef"] = self.context[
        except KeyError:
                self.section_args["defaultDataProcessingRef"] = list(
            except IndexError:
                    "No Data Processing method found. mzML file may not be fully standard-compliant",

class ChromatogramListSection(DocumentSection):
    def __init__(self, writer, parent_context, section_args=None, **kwargs):
        super(ChromatogramListSection, self).__init__(
            "chromatogramList", writer, parent_context,
            section_args=section_args, **kwargs)
        self.section_args.setdefault("count", 0)
        data_processing_method = self.section_args.pop(
            "data_processing_method", None)
            self.section_args["defaultDataProcessingRef"] = self.context[
        except KeyError:
                self.section_args["defaultDataProcessingRef"] = list(
            except IndexError:
                    "No Data Processing method found. mzML file may not be fully standard-compliant",

class RunSection(DocumentSection):
    """Describes a `<run>` tag. Implemented as a section to provide a more
    expressive API
    def __init__(self, writer, parent_context, section_args=None, **kwargs):
        super(RunSection, self).__init__(
            "run", writer, parent_context, section_args=section_args, **kwargs)
        instrument_configuration_name = self.section_args.pop(
            "instrument_configuration", None)
        if instrument_configuration_name is not None:
            self.section_args["defaultInstrumentConfigurationRef"] = self.context[
        source_file_name = self.section_args.pop("source_file", None)
        if source_file_name is not None:
            self.section_args["defaultSourceFileRef"] = self.context[
        sample_id = self.section_args.pop("sample", None)
        if sample_id is not None:
            self.section_args["sampleRef"] = self.context['Sample'][sample_id]

class IndexedmzMLSection(DocumentSection):
    def __init__(self, writer, parent_context, indexer, section_args=None, **kwargs):
        super(IndexedmzMLSection, self).__init__(
            'indexedmzML', writer, parent_context, section_args=section_args,
        self.toplevel = None
        self.inner = None
        self.indexer = indexer

    def begin(self):
        self.toplevel = element(self.writer, IndexedMzML())
        self.inner = element(self.writer, MzML(**self.section_args))

    def end(self, exc_type=None, exc_value=None, traceback=None):
        self.inner.__exit__(exc_type, exc_value, traceback)
        self.toplevel.__exit__(exc_type, exc_value, traceback)

    def write_index(self):

class PlainMzMLWriter(ComponentDispatcher, XMLDocumentWriter):
    """A high level API for generating mzML XML files from simple Python objects.

    This class depends heavily on lxml's incremental file writing API which in turn
    depends heavily on context managers. Almost all logic is handled inside a context
    manager and in the context of a particular document. Since all operations assume
    that they have access to a universal identity map for each element in the document,
    that map is centralized in this class.

    MzMLWriter inherits from :class:`~psims.mzml.components.ComponentDispatcher`, giving it a :attr:`context`
    attribute and access to all `Component` objects pre-bound to that context with attribute-access

    chromatogram_count : int
        A count of the number of chromatograms written
    spectrum_count : int
        A count of the number of spectra written


    def __init__(self, outfile, close=None, vocabularies=None, missing_reference_is_error=False,
                 vocabulary_resolver=None, id=None, accession=None, native_id_format: str=None,
        if vocabularies is None:
            vocabularies = []
        if native_id_format is None:
            native_id_format = "multiple peak list nativeID format"
        vocabularies = list(default_cv_list) + list(vocabularies)
        XMLDocumentWriter.__init__(self, outfile, close, **kwargs) = id
        self.accession = accession
        self.spectrum_count = 0
        self.chromatogram_count = 0
        self.default_instrument_configuration = None
        self.state_machine = TableStateMachine([
            ("start", ['controlled_vocabularies', ]),
            ("controlled_vocabularies", ['file_description', ]),
            ("file_description", ['reference_param_group_list', 'sample_list', 'software_list']),
            ("reference_param_group_list", ['sample_list', 'software_list']),
            ("sample_list", ['software_list', ]),
            ("software_list", ["scan_settings_list", 'instrument_configuration_list']),
            ("scan_settings_list", ['instrument_configuration_list', ]),
            ("instrument_configuration_list", ['data_processing_list']),
            ("data_processing_list", ['run']),
            ("run", ['spectrum_list', 'chromatogram_list']),
            ('spectrum_list', ['chromatogram_list']),
            ('chromatogram_list', [])
        self._native_id_format = self._find_native_id_parser(native_id_format)
        self.native_id_format_configured = False
        self.add_context_key('native_id_formatter', self._native_id_maker)

    def native_id_format(self):
        '''The nativeID format of the spectra to assume for this data file.

        This is used to determine how to convert an integer into a spectrum's :attr:``.
        Defaults to ``MS:1000774``: "multiple peak list nativeID format" which has a pattern of

        This attribute has no effect on spectrum id values specified as strings already formatted.

        .. note::
            If not explicitly specified, but a term naming an ID format is passed as a parameter in
            file contents, that will be used. The ID format from source files will **not** be used.

        return self._native_id_format

    def native_id_format(self, native_id_format: str):
        '''Set the nativeID format to use for this file.

        You can specify the name the ID format using either the format's name
        or its CV ID, e.g. "MS:1000774", or a :class:`~psims.controlled_vocabulary.entity.Entity`
        describing the same term.

        Explicitly setting this attribute will *prevent* automatically using
        the nativeID format specified in ``<fileContent>``.

        native_id_format : :class:`~.Union`[str, :class:`~psims.controlled_vocabulary.entity.Entity`]
            The nativeID format to use for this file.
        self._native_id_format = self._find_native_id_parser(native_id_format)
        self.native_id_format_configured = True

    def _find_native_id_parser(self, name: Union[str, Entity]) -> NativeIDParser:
        if not isinstance(name, Entity):
            term = self.term(name)
        return NativeIDParser.from_term(term)

    def _native_id_maker(self, _tag_name, number):
        return self._native_id_format.format_integer(number)

    def toplevel_tag(self):
        return MzML(, accession=self.accession)

    def controlled_vocabularies(self):
        """Write out the `<cvList>` element and all its children,
        including both this format's default controlled vocabularies
        and those passed as arguments to this method.this

        This method requires writing to have begun.
        super(PlainMzMLWriter, self).controlled_vocabularies()

    def software_list(self, software_list: Iterable[Union[Software, Mapping]]):
        """Writes the ``<softwareList>`` section of the document.

        .. note::
            List and descriptions of software used to acquire and/or process the
            data in this mzML file

        software_list : list
            A list or other iterable of :class:`dict` or :class:`~.Software`-like objects
        n = len(software_list)
        if n:
            software_list = [self.Software.ensure(sw) for sw in ensure_iterable(software_list)]

    def file_description(self, file_contents=None, source_files=None, contacts=None):
        r"""Writes the ``<fileDescription>`` section of the document.

        If ``file_contents`` contains a nativeID term, and :attr:`native_id_format` has
        not been set explicitly, that ID format will be used for this document.

        .. note::
            Information pertaining to the entire mzML file (i.e. not specific
            to any part of the data set) is stored here.

        file_contents : list, optional
            A list or other iterable of :class:`str`, :class:`dict`, or \*Param-types which will
            be placed in the ``<fileContent>`` element.
        source_files : list
            A list or other iterable of dict or :class:`~psims.mzml.components.SourceFile`-like objects
            to be placed in the ``<sourceFileList>`` element
        fd: FileDescription = self.FileDescription(
            file_contents, [self.SourceFile.ensure(sf) for sf in ensure_iterable(source_files)],
            contacts=[self.Contact.ensure(c) for c in ensure_iterable(contacts)])
        native_id_format = fd.content.native_id_format
        if native_id_format and not self.native_id_format_configured:
            self.native_id_format = NativeIDParser.from_term(native_id_format)
        elif self.native_id_format_configured:

    def instrument_configuration_list(self, instrument_configurations):
        """Writes the ``<instrumentConfigurationList>`` section of the document.

        .. note::
            List and descriptions of instrument configurations. At least one instrument configuration MUST
            be specified, even if it is only to specify that the instrument is unknown. In that case, the
            "instrument model" term is used to indicate the unknown instrument in the instrumentConfiguration

        instrument_configurations : list
            A list or other iterable of :class:`dict` or :class:`~.InstrumentConfiguration`-like
        configs = [
            self.InstrumentConfiguration.ensure(ic) if not isinstance(
                ic, InstrumentConfiguration) else ic
            for ic in ensure_iterable(

    def data_processing_list(self, data_processing):
        """Writes the ``<dataProcessingList>`` section of the document.

        .. note::
            List and descriptions of data processing applied to this data

        data_processing : list
            A list or other iterable of :class:`dict` or :class:`~.DataProcessing`-like

        methods = [
            self.DataProcessing.ensure(dp) for dp in ensure_iterable(data_processing)]

    def reference_param_group_list(self, groups):
        """Writes the ``<referenceableParamGroupList>`` section of the document.

        groups : list
            A list or other iterable of :class:`dict` or :class:`~.ReferenceableParamGroup`-like

        groups = [
            self.ReferenceableParamGroup.ensure(g) for g in ensure_iterable(groups)]

    def sample_list(self, samples):
        """Writes the ``<sampleList>`` section of the document

        samples : list
            A list or other iterable of :class:`dict` or :class:`~.mzml.components.Sample`-like

        for i, sample in enumerate(ensure_iterable(samples)):
            if isinstance(sample, Mapping):
                sample_id = sample.get('id')
                sample_name = sample.get("name")

                if sample_id is None and sample_name is not None:
                    sample_id = "%s_%d_id" % (sample_name, i)
                elif sample_id is not None and sample_name is None:
                    sample_name = str(sample_id)
                elif sample_id is sample_name is None:
                    sample_id = "sample_%d_id" % (i,)
                    sample_name = "sample_%d" % (i,)
                sample['id'] = sample_id
                sample['name'] = sample_name

        sample_entries = self.Sample.ensure_all(samples)


    def scan_settings_list(self, scan_settings):
        scan_settings = self.ScanSettings.ensure_all(scan_settings)

    def run(self, id=None, instrument_configuration=None, source_file=None, start_time=None, sample=None):
        """Begins the `<run>` section of the document, describing a single
        sample run.

        id : str, optional
            The unique identifier for this element
        instrument_configuration : str, optional
            The id string for the default `InstrumentConfiguration` for this
        source_file : str, optional
            The id string for the source file used to produce this data
        start_time : str, optional
            A string encoding the date and time the sample was acquired
        sample: str, optional
            The id string for the sample used to produce this data

        kwargs = {}
        if start_time is not None:
            kwargs['startTimeStamp'] = start_time
        if instrument_configuration is None:
            keys = list(self.context['InstrumentConfiguration'].keys())
            if keys:
                instrument_configuration = keys[0]
                instrument_configuration = None
        self.default_instrument_configuration = instrument_configuration
        return RunSection(
            self.writer, self.context, id=id,
            sample=sample, **kwargs)

    def spectrum_list(self, count, data_processing_method=None):
        if data_processing_method is None:
            dp_map = self.context['DataProcessing']
                data_processing_method = list(dp_map.keys())[0]
            except IndexError:
                    "No Data Processing method found. mzML file may not be fully standard-compliant",
        return SpectrumListSection(
            self.writer, self.context, count=count,

    def chromatogram_list(self, count, data_processing_method=None):
        if data_processing_method is None:
            dp_map = self.context['DataProcessing']
                data_processing_method = list(dp_map.keys())[0]
            except IndexError:
                    "No Data Processing method found. mzML file may not be fully standard-compliant",
        return ChromatogramListSection(
            self.writer, self.context, count=count,

    def spectrum(self, mz_array: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, intensity_array: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
                 charge_array: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, id: Optional[str] = None,
                 polarity='positive scan', centroided=True, precursor_information=None,
                 scan_start_time=None, params=None, compression=COMPRESSION_ZLIB,
                 encoding=None, other_arrays=None, scan_params=None, scan_window_list=None,
                 instrument_configuration_id=None, intensity_unit=DEFAULT_INTENSITY_UNIT) -> Spectrum:
        '''Create a new :class:`~.Spectrum` instance to be written.

        This method does not immediately write and close the spectrum element, leaving it
        open for modification and embedding.

        mz_array: :class:`np.ndarray` of floats
            The m/z array of the spectrum
        intensity_array: :class:`np.ndarray` of floats
            The intensity array of the spectrum
        charge_array: :class:`np.ndarray`, optional
            The charge state array of the spectrum, optional.
        id: str
            The native ID of the spectrum.
        polarity: str or int, optional
            The polarity of the spectrum. If an integer, the sign of
            the integer is used, otherwise it is interpreted as a cvParam
        centroided: bool, optional
            Whether the spectrum is continuous or discretized by peak picking.
            Defaults to :const:`True`.
        precursor_information: dict or :class:`PrecursorBuilder`, optional
            The precursor ion description. Will be passed to :meth:`_prepare_precursor_list`.
            The structure of this object should either be formatted as arguments to
            :meth:`precursor_builder`, or a :class:`PrecursorBuilder` instance populated
            with information.
        scan_start_time: float, optional
            The scan start time, in minutes
        params: list, optional
            The parameters of the `spectrum`
        compression: str, optional
            The compression type name to use. Defaults to `COMPRESSION_ZLIB`.
        encoding: dict, optional
            A mapping from array name to NumPy data types.
        other_arrays: list, optional
            An iterable of array names to additional data arrays. Array names may either be
            strings, :class:`Mapping` objects that define :class:`~.CVParam` or :class:`~.UserParam`,
            or such paramter objects themselves. Use the latter two methods when defining arrays with
        scan_params: list, optional
            A list of cvParams for the `scan` of this `spectrum`
        scan_window_list: list, optional
            A list of scan windows specified as pairs of m/z intervals
        instrument_configuration_id: str, optional
            The `id` of the `instrumentConfiguration` to associate with this spectrum
            if not the default one.


        See Also
        if encoding is None:
            encoding = {MZ_ARRAY: np.float64, CHARGE_ARRAY: np.int32}
        if params is None:
            params = []
            params = list(params)
        if scan_params is None:
            scan_params = []
            scan_params = list(scan_params)
        if other_arrays is None:
            other_arrays = []
        if scan_window_list is None:
            scan_window_list = []
            scan_window_list = list(scan_window_list)

        if isinstance(encoding, Mapping):
            encoding = DefaultDict(lambda: np.float32, encoding)
            # create new variable to capture in closure
            _encoding = encoding
            encoding = DefaultDict(lambda: _encoding)
        if polarity is not None:
            if isinstance(polarity, int):
                if polarity > 0:
                    polarity = 'positive scan'
                elif polarity < 0:
                    polarity = 'negative scan'
                    polarity = None
            elif 'positive' in polarity:
                polarity = 'positive scan'
            elif 'negative' in polarity:
                polarity = 'negative scan'
                polarity = None

            if polarity not in params and polarity is not None:

        if centroided:
            peak_mode = "centroid spectrum"
            peak_mode = 'profile spectrum'

        array_list = []
        default_array_length = len(mz_array) if mz_array is not None else 0
        if mz_array is not None:
            mz_array_tag = self._prepare_array(
                mz_array, encoding=encoding[MZ_ARRAY], compression=compression, array_type=MZ_ARRAY, scope='spectrum')

        if intensity_array is not None:
            intensity_array_tag = self._prepare_array(
                intensity_array, encoding=encoding[INTENSITY_ARRAY], compression=compression,
                array_type={"name": INTENSITY_ARRAY, "unit_name": intensity_unit}, scope='spectrum')

        if charge_array is not None:
            charge_array_tag = self._prepare_array(
                charge_array, encoding=encoding[CHARGE_ARRAY], compression=compression,
                array_type=CHARGE_ARRAY, scope='spectrum')
        for array_type, array in other_arrays:
            if array_type is None:
                raise ValueError("array type can't be None")
            if isinstance(array_type, Mapping):
                array_name = array_type['name']
                array_name = array_type
            array_tag = self._prepare_array(
                array, encoding=encoding[array_name], compression=compression, array_type=array_type,
                default_array_length=default_array_length, scope='spectrum')
        array_list_tag = self.BinaryDataArrayList(array_list)

        if precursor_information is not None:
            precursor_list = self._prepare_precursor_list(
                precursor_information, intensity_unit=intensity_unit)
            precursor_list = None

        if scan_start_time is not None:
            if isinstance(scan_start_time, numbers.Number):
                scan_params.append({"name": "scan start time",
                                    "value": scan_start_time,
                                    "unitName": DEFAULT_TIME_UNIT})
        # The spec says this is optional, but the validator calls this a must
        # if self.default_instrument_configuration == instrument_configuration_id:
        #     instrument_configuration_id = None
        scan = self.Scan(scan_window_list=scan_window_list, params=scan_params,
        scan_list = self.ScanList([scan], params=["no combination"])

        index = self.spectrum_count
        self.spectrum_count += 1
        spectrum = self.Spectrum(
            index, array_list_tag, scan_list=scan_list, params=params, id=id,
        return spectrum

    def write_spectrum(self, mz_array=None, intensity_array=None, charge_array=None, id=None,
                       polarity='positive scan', centroided=True, precursor_information=None,
                       scan_start_time=None, params=None, compression=COMPRESSION_ZLIB,
                       encoding=None, other_arrays=None, scan_params=None, scan_window_list=None,
                       instrument_configuration_id=None, intensity_unit=DEFAULT_INTENSITY_UNIT):
        '''Write a :class:`~.Spectrum` with the provided data.

        To create a spectrum element but not immediately close it off, see the :meth:`spectrum` method.

        mz_array: :class:`np.ndarray` of floats
            The m/z array of the spectrum
        intensity_array: :class:`np.ndarray` of floats
            The intensity array of the spectrum
        charge_array: :class:`np.ndarray`, optional
            The charge state array of the spectrum, optional.
        id: str
            The native ID of the spectrum.
        polarity: str or int, optional
            The polarity of the spectrum. If an integer, the sign of
            the integer is used, otherwise it is interpreted as a cvParam
        centroided: bool, optional
            Whether the spectrum is continuous or discretized by peak picking.
            Defaults to :const:`True`.
        precursor_information: dict or :class:`PrecursorBuilder`, optional
            The precursor ion description. Will be passed to :meth:`_prepare_precursor_list`.
            The structure of this object should either be formatted as arguments to
            :meth:`precursor_builder`, or a :class:`PrecursorBuilder` instance populated
            with information.
        scan_start_time: float, optional
            The scan start time, in minutes
        params: list, optional
            The parameters of the `spectrum`
        compression: str, optional
            The compression type name to use. Defaults to `COMPRESSION_ZLIB`.
        encoding: dict, optional
            A mapping from array name to NumPy data types.
        other_arrays: list, optional
            An iterable of array names to additional data arrays. Array names may either be
            strings, :class:`Mapping` objects that define :class:`~.CVParam` or :class:`~.UserParam`,
            or such paramter objects themselves. Use the latter two methods when defining arrays with
        scan_params: list, optional
            A list of cvParams for the `scan` of this `spectrum`
        scan_window_list: list, optional
            A list of scan windows specified as pairs of m/z intervals
        instrument_configuration_id: str, optional
            The `id` of the `instrumentConfiguration` to associate with this spectrum
            if not the default one.

        See Also
        spectrum = self.spectrum(
            mz_array=mz_array, intensity_array=intensity_array, charge_array=charge_array,
            id=id, polarity=polarity, centroided=centroided, precursor_information=precursor_information,
            scan_start_time=scan_start_time, params=params, compression=compression,
            encoding=encoding, other_arrays=other_arrays, scan_params=scan_params,

    def chromatogram(self, time_array, intensity_array, id=None,
                     chromatogram_type="selected ion current",
                     precursor_information=None, params=None,
                     compression=COMPRESSION_ZLIB, encoding=32, other_arrays=None,
                     intensity_unit=DEFAULT_INTENSITY_UNIT, time_unit=DEFAULT_TIME_UNIT):
        if params is None:
            params = []
            params = list(params)

        if isinstance(encoding, Mapping):
            encoding = defaultdict(lambda: np.float32, encoding)
            # create new variable to capture in closure
            _encoding = encoding
            encoding = defaultdict(lambda: _encoding)

        if other_arrays is None:
            other_arrays = []
        array_list = []

        if precursor_information is not None:
            precursor = self._prepare_precursor_list(
                precursor_information, intensity_unit=intensity_unit)[0]
            precursor = None

        default_array_length = len(time_array) if time_array is not None else 0
        if time_array is not None:
            time_array_tag = self._prepare_array(
                time_array, encoding=encoding[TIME_ARRAY], compression=compression,
                array_type={"name": TIME_ARRAY, "unit_name": time_unit}, scope='chromatogram')

        if intensity_array is not None:
            intensity_array_tag = self._prepare_array(
                intensity_array, encoding=encoding[INTENSITY_ARRAY], compression=compression,
                array_type={"name": INTENSITY_ARRAY, "unit_name": intensity_unit}, scope='chromatogram')

        for array_type, array in other_arrays:
            if isinstance(array_type, Mapping):
                array_name = array_type['name']
                array_name = array_type
            array_tag = self._prepare_array(
                array, encoding=encoding[array_name], compression=compression, array_type=array_type,
                default_array_length=default_array_length, scope='chromatogram')
        array_list_tag = self.BinaryDataArrayList(array_list)
        index = self.chromatogram_count
        self.chromatogram_count += 1
        chromatogram = self.Chromatogram(
            index=index, binary_data_list=array_list_tag,
            id=id, params=params)
        return chromatogram

    def write_chromatogram(self, time_array, intensity_array, id=None,
                           chromatogram_type="selected ion current",
                           precursor_information=None, params=None,
                           compression=COMPRESSION_ZLIB, encoding=32, other_arrays=None,
                           intensity_unit=DEFAULT_INTENSITY_UNIT, time_unit=DEFAULT_TIME_UNIT):
        chromatogram = self.chromatogram(
            time_array=time_array, intensity_array=intensity_array, id=id,
            chromatogram_type=chromatogram_type, precursor_information=precursor_information,
            params=params, compression=compression, encoding=encoding,
            other_arrays=other_arrays, intensity_unit=intensity_unit, time_unit=time_unit)

    def _prepare_array(self, array, encoding=32, compression=COMPRESSION_ZLIB,
                       array_type=None, default_array_length=None, scope=None):
        if isinstance(encoding, numbers.Number):
            _encoding = int(encoding)
            _encoding = encoding
        dtype = encoding_map[_encoding]
        if dtype is None:
            if len(array):
                val = array[0]
                dtype = encoding_map[val.__class__]
                    dtype = array.dtype
                except AttributeError:
                    dtype = np.float32
        array = np.array(array, dtype=dtype)
        encoded_binary = encode_array(
            array, compression=compression, dtype=dtype)
        binary = self.Binary(encoded_binary)
        if default_array_length is not None and len(array) != default_array_length:
            override_length = True
            override_length = False
        params = []
        if array_type is not None:
            if isinstance(array_type, Mapping):
                array_type_ = array_type['name']
                array_type_ = array_type
            if array_type_ not in ARRAY_TYPES:
                params.append({"name": NON_STANDARD_ARRAY, "value": array_type_})
        encoded_length = len(encoded_binary)
        return self.BinaryDataArray(
            binary, encoded_length,
            array_length=(len(array) if override_length else None),

    def _prepare_precursor_list(self, precursors, intensity_unit=DEFAULT_INTENSITY_UNIT):
        if isinstance(precursors, self.PrecursorList.type):
            return precursors
        elif isinstance(precursors, (dict)):
            precursors = self.PrecursorList([self.prepare_precursor_information(
                intensity_unit=intensity_unit, **precursors)])
        elif isinstance(precursors, PrecursorBuilder):
            precursors = self.PrecursorList([self.prepare_precursor_information(
            packaged = []
            for p in ensure_iterable(precursors):
                if isinstance(p, self.Precursor.type):
                elif isinstance(p, dict):
                            intensity_unit=intensity_unit, **p))
                elif isinstance(p, PrecursorBuilder):
                            p, intensity_unit=intensity_unit))
            precursors = self.PrecursorList(packaged)
        return precursors

    def prepare_precursor_information(self, mz=None, intensity=None, charge=None, spectrum_reference=None, activation=None,
                                       isolation_window_args=None, params=None,
                                       intensity_unit=DEFAULT_INTENSITY_UNIT, scan_id=None, external_spectrum_id=None,
                                       source_file_reference=None, **kwargs):
        '''Prepare a :class:`Precursor` element from disparate data structures.

        mz: float, optional
            The m/z of the first selected ion
        intensity: float, optional
            The intensity of the first selected ion
        charge: int, optional
            The charge state of the first seelcted ion
        spectrum_reference: str, optional
            The `id` of the prescursor `<spectrum>` for this precursor
        activation: list, optional
            A list of parameters describing the ion activation method used.
        isolation_window_args: tuple, list, or dict, optional
            Parameters forwarded to :meth:`PrecursorBuilder.isolation_window`,
            tuple or list values are converted into :class:`dict` of the correct
            structure. This argument may also be passed as `isolation_window`.
        params: list, optional
            The cvParams of the first selected ion
        intensity_unit: str
            The intensity unit of the first selected ion
        scan_id: str, optional
            An alias for `spectrum_reference`
        external_spectrum_id: str, optional
            The `externalSpectrumID` attribute of the precursor
        source_file_reference: str, optional
            The `sourceFileRef` attribute of the precursor

        if isinstance(mz, PrecursorBuilder):
            return self.Precursor(**mz.pack())
        if isinstance(mz, dict):
            return self.Precursor(**mz)
        if isolation_window_args is None:
            isolation_window_args = kwargs.get("isolation_window")
        if mz is None:
            mz = kwargs.get("selected_ion_mz")
        if scan_id is not None:
            spectrum_reference = scan_id
        if params is None:
            params = []
        if activation:
            activation = self.Activation(activation)
        if any((mz, intensity, charge)):
            ion = self.SelectedIon(mz, intensity, charge, params=params)
            ion_list = self.SelectedIonList([ion])
            ion_list = None
        if isolation_window_args:
            if isinstance(isolation_window_args, (list, tuple)):
                isolation_window_tag = self.IsolationWindow(*isolation_window_args)
                isolation_window_tag = self.IsolationWindow(**isolation_window_args)
            isolation_window_tag = None
        precursor = self.Precursor(
        return precursor

    def precursor_builder(self, mz=None, intensity=None, charge=None, spectrum_reference=None, activation=None,
                          isolation_window_args=None, params=None,
                          intensity_unit=DEFAULT_INTENSITY_UNIT, scan_id=None,
                          external_spectrum_id=None, source_file_reference=None,
        '''Create a :class:`PrecursorBuilder`, an object to help populate the precursor information
        data structure.

        The helper object should be used to incrementally populate the precursor information passed
        to :meth:`spectrum` or :meth:`write_spectrum`'s `precursor_information` argument.

        mz: float, optional
            The m/z of the first selected ion
        intensity: float, optional
            The intensity of the first selected ion
        charge: int, optional
            The charge state of the first selected ion
        spectrum_reference: str, optional
            The `id` of the prescursor `<spectrum>` for this precursor, mapped through the
            document context.
        activation: dict or list, optional
            Parameters forwarded to :meth:`PrecursorBuilder.activation`. This should be a dictionary
            with a key "params" and a list of :class:`~.CVParam` coerce-able values, with additional
            optional keys naming other :class:`~.CVParam` coerce-able values. If a :class:`list` is
            passed, it will be wrapped in one e.g. ``{"params": activation}``
        isolation_window_args: tuple, list, or dict, optional
            Parameters forwarded to :meth:PrecursorBuilder.isolation_window`,
            tuple or list of three values are converted into :class:`dict` of the correct
            structure. The expected keys are "lower", the lower m/z offset, "target", the center m/z,
            and "upper", the upper m/z offset. You may also pass this argumemt as `isolation_window`.
        params: list, optional
            The cv- and user-params of the first selected ion, in addition to `mz`, `intensity`,
        intensity_unit: str
            The intensity unit of the first selected ion, to be specified with `intensity`
        scan_id: str, optional
            An alias for `spectrum_reference`
        external_spectrum_id: str, optional
            The `externalSpectrumID` attribute of the precursor
        source_file_reference: str, optional
            The `sourceFileRef` attribute of the precursor

        if isolation_window_args is None:
            isolation_window_args = isolation_window
        if scan_id is None:
            spectrum_reference = scan_id
        inst = PrecursorBuilder(
            self, spectrum_reference=spectrum_reference,
        if mz is not None or intensity is not None or charge is not None or params is not None:
                selected_ion_mz=mz, intensity=intensity, charge=charge,
                intensity_unit=intensity_unit, params=params)
        if isolation_window_args is None:
            if isinstance(isolation_window_args, (tuple, list)):
                isolation_window_args = {
                    "lower": isolation_window_args[0],
                    "target": isolation_window_args[1],
                    "upper": isolation_window_args[2]}
        if activation is not None:
            if isinstance(activation, (list, tuple)):
                activation = {'params': activation}
        return  inst

class SelectedIonBuilder(ElementBuilder):
    mz = ParamManagingProperty('selected_ion_mz', 0.0, aliases=['mz'])
    charge = ParamManagingProperty('charge')
    intensity = ParamManagingProperty('intensity', 0.0)
    intensity_unit = ParamManagingProperty(
        'intensity_unit', DEFAULT_INTENSITY_UNIT)

class IsolationWindowBuilder(ElementBuilder):
    lower = ParamManagingProperty('lower')
    target = ParamManagingProperty('target')
    upper = ParamManagingProperty('upper')

class ActivationBuilder(ElementBuilder):

class PrecursorBuilder(ElementBuilder):
    def __init__(self, source, binding=None, params=None, **kwargs):
        super(PrecursorBuilder, self).__init__(
            source, binding, params, **kwargs)

    selected_ion_list = ParamManagingProperty("selected_ion_list", list)
    _isolation_window = ParamManagingProperty("isolation_window")
    _activation = ParamManagingProperty('activation')

    spectrum_reference = ParamManagingProperty('spectrum_reference')
    source_file_reference = ParamManagingProperty('source_file_reference')
    external_spectrum_id = ParamManagingProperty('external_spectrum_id', aliases=['scan_id'])

    def selected_ion(self, binding=None, **kwargs):
        sib = SelectedIonBuilder(self.source, binding=binding, **kwargs)
        return sib

    def isolation_window(self, binding=None, **kwargs):
        self._isolation_window = IsolationWindowBuilder(
            self.source, binding=binding, **kwargs)
        return self._isolation_window

    def activation(self, binding=None, **kwargs):
        self._activation = ActivationBuilder(
            self.source, binding=binding, **kwargs)
        return self._activation

[docs]class IndexedMzMLWriter(PlainMzMLWriter): """A high level API for generating indexed mzML XML files from simple Python objects. This class depends heavily on :mod:`lxml`'s incremental file writing API which in turn depends heavily on context managers. Almost all logic is handled inside a context manager and in the context of a particular document. Since all operations assume that they have access to a universal identity map for each element in the document, that map is centralized in this class. `MzMLWriter` inherits from :class:`.ComponentDispatcher`, giving it a :attr:`context` attribute and access to all `Component` objects pre-bound to that context with attribute-access notation. Attributes ---------- chromatogram_count : int A count of the number of chromatograms written spectrum_count : int A count of the number of spectra written index_builder : :class:`~.IndexingStream` A writing stream that automatically tokenizes and records byte offsets for specific XML tags. """ def __init__(self, outfile, close=None, vocabularies=None, missing_reference_is_error=False, vocabulary_resolver=None, id=None, accession=None, **kwargs): outfile = IndexingStream(outfile) super(IndexedMzMLWriter, self).__init__( outfile, close, vocabularies, missing_reference_is_error, vocabulary_resolver, id, accession, **kwargs) self.index_builder = outfile def toplevel_tag(self): return IndexedmzMLSection( self.writer, self.context,, accession=self.accession, indexer=self.index_builder)
[docs] def format(self, *args, **kwargs): return
MzMLWriter = IndexedMzMLWriter # MzMLWriter = PlainMzMLWriter