
Source code for psims.xml

import re
import warnings

from contextlib import contextmanager
from collections import deque

from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, Optional, OrderedDict, Union

from lxml import etree

from six import string_types as basestring, add_metaclass, text_type, PY3

from psims.controlled_vocabulary.controlled_vocabulary import ControlledVocabulary

from . import controlled_vocabulary
from .controlled_vocabulary import obj_to_xsdtype, VocabularyResolverBase
from .validation import validate

def make_counter(start=1):
    Create a functor whose only internal piece of data is a mutable container
    with a reference to an integer, `start`. When the functor is called, it returns
    current `int` value of `start` and increments the mutable value by one.

    start: int, optional
        The number to start counting from. Defaults to `1`.

        The next number in the count progression.
    start = [start]

    def count_up():
        '''A closure returning incrementally larger integers'''
        ret_val = start[0]
        start[0] += 1
        return ret_val
    return count_up

def camelize(name):
    """Adapts an attribute name from "snake_case" to "camelCase"
    to make lookups on Element.attrib easier.

    name : str
        Attribute name

        transformed name
    parts = name.split("_")
    if len(parts) > 1:
        return ''.join([parts[0]] + [part.title() if part != "ref" else "_ref" for part in parts[1:]])
        return name

def id_maker(type_name, id_number):
    '''Generate a consistent ID that is unique within a document,
    assuming `id_number` is unique within the tag type.
    return "%s_%s" % (type_name.upper(), str(id_number))

def sanitize_id(string):
    """Remove characters from a string which would be invalid
    in XML identifiers

    string : str

    string = re.sub(r"\s", '_', string)
    string = re.sub(r"\\|/", '', string)
    return string

NO_TRACK = object()

class ElementType(type):
    """A metaclass to keep a count of the number of times
    an instance of each derived class is created.
    _cache = {}

    def __new__(mcs, name, parents, attrs):
        new_type = type.__new__(mcs, name, parents, attrs)
        tag_name = attrs.get("tag_name")
        if attrs.get("_track") is NO_TRACK:
            return new_type
        if not hasattr(mcs, "_cache"):
            mcs._cache = dict()
        mcs._cache[name] = new_type
        if tag_name is not None:
            mcs._cache[tag_name] = new_type
        return new_type

def attrencode(o):
    """A simple function to convert most
    basic python types to a string form
    which is safe to serialize in XML

    o : object
        Attribute value to encode

        The encoded value
    if isinstance(o, bool):
        return text_type(o).lower()
        return text_type(o)

[docs]@add_metaclass(ElementType) class TagBase(object): """Represent a single XML element with arbitrary attributes. Mocks the :class:`Mapping` interface Attributes ---------- attrs : dict The attributes of the element. :meth:`__getattr__` falls back to querying :attr:`attrs`, trying both requested name and ``camelCase`` versions of the name is_open : bool Whether the element has been opened as a context manager tag_name : str The name of the element text : str The body text of the element type_attrs : dict Attributes common to all elements of this type id : str The @id attribute of the element. """ type_attrs = {} def __init__(self, tag_name=None, text="", **attrs): self.tag_name = tag_name or self.tag_name _id = attrs.pop('id', None) _id_formatter = attrs.pop('id_formatter', id_maker) self.attrs = {} self.attrs.update(self.type_attrs) self.text = text self.attrs.update(attrs) # When passing through a XMLWriterMixin.element() call, tags may be reconstructed # and any set ids will be passed through the attrs dictionary, but the `with_id` # flag won't be propagated. `_force_id` preserves this. self._force_id = True self._id_formatter = _id_formatter if _id is None: self._id_number = None self._id_string = None self._force_id = False elif isinstance(_id, int): self._id_number = _id self._id_string = None else: self._id_number = None self._id_string = _id self.is_open = False def __getattr__(self, key): try: return self.attrs[key] except KeyError: try: return self.attrs[camelize(key)] except KeyError: raise AttributeError("%s has no attribute %s" % (self.__class__.__name__, key)) # Support Mapping Interface def __getitem__(self, key): try: return getattr(self, key) except AttributeError: raise KeyError(key) def keys(self): if is not None: yield "id" for key in self.attrs: yield key def get(self, name, default): return getattr(self, name, default) @property def id(self): if self._id_string is None and self._id_number is not None: self._id_string = self._id_formatter(self.tag_name, self._id_number) return self._id_string def element(self, xml_file=None, with_id=False): """Create an XML element using either a materialized :class:`lxml.etree.Element` if ``xml_file`` is :const:`None` or the ephemeral context manager element :class:`lxml.etree._FileWriterElement`. The element will be constructed with all attributes in :attr:`attrs` where the value is not :const:`None`. Parameters ---------- xml_file : :class:`XMLWriterMixin`, optional The XML writer to build the element for with_id : bool, optional Whether to require the ID attribute be present and rendered Returns ------- :class:`lxml.etree.Element` or :class:`lxml.etree._FileWriterElement` Description Raises ------ ValueError Description """ with_id = with_id or self._force_id attrs = {k: attrencode(v) for k, v in self.attrs.items() if v is not None} if with_id: if is None: raise ValueError("Required id for %r but id was None" % (self,)) attrs['id'] = if xml_file is None: elt = etree.Element(self.tag_name, attrs) if self.text: elt.text = self.text return elt else: return xml_file.element(self.tag_name, **attrs) def write(self, xml_file, with_id=False): """Write this element to file Parameters ---------- xml_file : :class:`XMLWriterMixin` The XML writer to build the element for with_id : bool, optional Whether to require the ID attribute be present and rendered See Also -------- :meth:`element` """ el = self.element(with_id=with_id) xml_file.write(el) def bind(self, xml_file): self._xml_file = xml_file @contextmanager def begin(self, xml_file, with_id=False): with self.element(xml_file, with_id): self.is_open = True yield self.is_open = False def __call__(self, xml_file=None, with_id=False): """Alias of :meth:`element` """ return self.element(xml_file, with_id) def __repr__(self): return "<%s id=\"%s\" %s>" % (self.tag_name,, " ".join("%s=\"%s\"" % ( k, attrencode(v)) for k, v in self.attrs.items())) def __eq__(self, other): try: return self.attrs == other.attrs except AttributeError: return False def __ne__(self, other): try: return self.attrs != other.attrs except AttributeError: return True def __hash__(self): return hash((self.tag_name, frozenset(self.attrs.items())))
def identity(x): return x def _make_tag_type(name, **attrs): """Creates a new TagBase-derived class dynamically at runtime. The new type will be cached. Parameters ---------- name : str The tag name **attrs : dict Any class-wide attributes to include Returns ------- type A TagBase subclass """ return type(name, (TagBase,), {"tag_name": name, "type_attrs": attrs})
[docs]def _element(_tag_name, *args, **kwargs): """Construct a subclass instance of :class:`TagBase` with the given tag name. All other arguments are forwarded to the :class:`TagBase` constructor Parameters ---------- _tag_name : str The name of the tag type to create *args Arbitrary arguments for the tag **kwargs Key word arguments for the tag Returns ------- :class:`TagBase` """ try: eltype = ElementType._cache[_tag_name] except KeyError: eltype = _make_tag_type(_tag_name) return eltype(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]def element(xml_file, _tag_name, *args, **kwargs): """Construct and immediately write a subclass instance of :class:`TagBase` with the given tag name. All other arguments are forwarded to the :class:`TagBase` constructor Parameters ---------- xml_file : :class:`XMLWriterMixin` The XML writer to write to _tag_name : str The name of the tag type to create *args Arbitrary arguments for the tag **kwargs Key word arguments for the tag """ with_id = kwargs.pop("with_id", False) if isinstance(_tag_name, basestring): el = _element(_tag_name, *args, **kwargs) else: el = _tag_name return el.element(xml_file=xml_file, with_id=with_id)
class AttrProperty(object): def __init__(self, name, transform=None): if transform is None: transform = self._default_transform = name self.transform = transform def _default_transform(self, value): return value def __get__(self, inst, cls=None): return inst.attrs.get( def __set__(self, inst, value): inst.attrs[] = self.transform(value) def __delete__(self, inst): try: inst.attrs.pop( except KeyError: pass class XSDTypingProperty(AttrProperty): def __get__(self, inst, cls=None): value = inst.attrs.get( xsdtype = obj_to_xsdtype(value) if xsdtype: inst.attrs['type'] = xsdtype return value def __set__(self, inst, value): inst.attrs[] = self.transform(value) value = inst.attrs[] xsdtype = obj_to_xsdtype(value) if xsdtype: inst.attrs['type'] = xsdtype
[docs]class CVParam(TagBase): """Represents a ``<cvParam />`` .. note:: This element holds additional data or annotation. Only controlled values are allowed here Attributes ---------- name: str The human-readable name of the parameter accession: str The within-vocabulary unique identifier of the parameter value: object The value of the parameter, to be converted to text """ tag_name = "cvParam" _track = NO_TRACK @classmethod def param(cls, name, value=None, **attrs): if isinstance(name, cls): return name elif isinstance(name, (tuple, list)): name, value = name else: if value is None: return cls(name=name, **attrs) else: return cls(name=name, value=value, **attrs) @staticmethod def _normalize_units(attrs): if 'unit_cv_ref' in attrs: attrs["unitCvRef"] = attrs.pop("unit_cv_ref") if 'unit_accession' in attrs: attrs['unitAccession'] = attrs.pop("unit_accession") if 'unit_name' in attrs: attrs['unitName'] = attrs.pop("unit_name") return attrs def __init__(self, accession=None, name=None, ref=None, value=None, **attrs): if ref is not None: attrs["cvRef"] = ref if accession is not None: attrs["accession"] = accession if name is not None: attrs["name"] = name if value is not None: attrs['value'] = value else: attrs['value'] = '' attrs = self._normalize_units(attrs) super(CVParam, self).__init__(self.tag_name, **attrs) self.patch_accession(accession, ref) value = AttrProperty("value") ref = AttrProperty("cvRef") name = AttrProperty("name") accession = AttrProperty("accession") unit_name = AttrProperty("unitName") unit_accession = AttrProperty("unitAccession") unit_cv_ref = AttrProperty("unitCvRef") def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.write(*args, **kwargs) def __repr__(self): return "<%s %s>" % (self.tag_name, " ".join("%s=\"%s\"" % ( k, str(v)) for k, v in self.attrs.items())) def patch_accession(self, accession, ref): if accession is not None: if isinstance(accession, int): accession = "%s:%d" % (ref, accession) self.attrs['accession'] = accession else: self.attrs['accession'] = accession
[docs]class UserParam(CVParam): """Represents a ``<userParam />`` element .. note:: Uncontrolled user parameters (essentially allowing free text). Before using these, one should verify whether there is an appropriate CV term available, and if so, use the CV term instead """ tag_name = "userParam" accession = None value = XSDTypingProperty('value') type = AttrProperty('type') def __init__(self, accession=None, name=None, ref=None, value=None, **attrs): super(UserParam, self).__init__( accession=accession, name=name, ref=ref, value=value, **attrs) # get XSDTypingProperty to force property __get__ self.value
[docs]class ParamGroupReference(TagBase): tag_name = "referenceableParamGroupRef" def __init__(self, ref): self.ref = ref super(ParamGroupReference, self).__init__(self.tag_name, ref=ref) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.write(*args, **kwargs)
CVTypes = Union['CV', 'ProvidedCV'] class CVCollection(object): """A partially unique collection of :class:`CV` objects. """ storage: OrderedDict[str, CVTypes] def __init__(self, cvs=None): = OrderedDict() if cvs: self.update(cvs) def add(self, cv: CVTypes): """Add `cv` to the collection. If the :attr:`` is aleady present in the collection, a warning will be issued. Parameters ---------- cv : :class:`CV` The controlled vocabulary reference """ if in old =[] warnings.warn( "Replacing {} {old.version}@{old.uri} with {cv.version}@{cv.uri}".format( cv=cv, old=old))[] = cv return self def update(self, collection: Iterable[CVTypes]): """Add each element of `collection` to `self`, calling :meth:`add` on each element. Parameters ---------- collection : :class:`~.Iterable` Any iterable collection of :class:`CV` See Also -------- :meth:`add` """ for cv in collection: self.add(cv) append = add extend = update def copy(self): """Create a copy of `self` Returns ------- :class:`CVCollection` """ return self.__class__(self) def __add__(self, other: Iterable[CVTypes]): copy = self.copy() copy.update(other) return copy def __iadd__(self, other): self.update(other) return self def __getitem__(self, key): return[key] def __iter__(self): return iter( def __len__(self): return len( def __repr__(self): template = "{self.__class__.__name__}({members})" members = list(self) return template.format(self=self, members=members)
[docs]class CV(object): """Represent a Controlled Vocabulary associated with the current document. The controlled vocabulary referenced must specify a URI that will be used to either download the definitions from, to be matched to a cache of pre-built vocabularies, or to be matched with a set of special resolution rules for handled by the :attr:`resolver`. This object acts as a lazy-loading proxy for :class:`~.controlled_vocabulary.ControlledVocabulary`. Attributes ---------- full_name : str The full name of the controlled vocabulary, which may or may not be identical to the :attr:`id` id : str A short unique identifier for the controlled vocabulary options : :class:`dict` Additional information that may be used during resolution resolver : :class:`~.VocabularyResolver` The resolver which will handle all requests for this controlled vocabulary uri : str The location where the definition can be found version : str The version of the vocabulary resolved vocabulary : :class:`~.ControlledVocabulary` The parsed term graph defining this vocabulary """ full_name: str id: str uri: str resolver: VocabularyResolverBase options: Dict[str, Any] _version: Optional[str] _vocabulary: ControlledVocabulary def __init__(self, full_name, id, uri, version=None, resolver=None, **kwargs): self.full_name = full_name = id self.uri = uri self._version = version self.options = kwargs self._vocabulary = None self.resolver = resolver def __hash__(self): return hash(self.uri) def match(self, other): return self.uri == other.uri and == and self.full_name == other.full_name def __eq__(self, other): return self.match(other) and self.version == other.version def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other @property def version(self): if self._version is None: try: self._version = self.vocabulary.version except AttributeError: pass return self._version @property def vocabulary(self): if self._vocabulary is None: self._vocabulary = self.load() return self._vocabulary def load(self, handle=None): """Load the vocabulary definition from source Assumes that the definition is in OBO format Parameters ---------- handle : file-like, optional An optional file handle which can be read from directly. Returns ------- :class:`~.ControlledVocabulary` The parsed vocabulary Raises ------ KeyError When all fallback mechanisms fail, a KeyError is raised """ resolver = self.resolver or controlled_vocabulary.obo_cache if handle is None: cv = resolver.load(self.uri) else: cv = controlled_vocabulary.ControlledVocabulary.from_obo(handle, import_handler=self.resolver.load) try: = except Exception: import traceback traceback.print_exc() return cv def __getitem__(self, key): return self.vocabulary[key] def query(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.vocabulary.query(*args, **kwargs) def __repr__(self): template = "{self.__class__.__name__}({self.full_name!r}, {!r}, {self.uri!r}, {version!r})" version = self._version if version is None: version = "?" return template.format(self=self, version=version)
[docs]class ProvidedCV(CV): """A wrapper around another object that provides the same basic interface as :class:`CV` from that object, provided through the :attr:`converter` function Attributes ---------- converter : Callable A function that converts elements of the provided vocabulary into something matching the :class:`~.controlled_vocabulary.Entity` interface. """ def __init__(self, id, uri, converter=identity, **kwargs): self.converter = converter super(ProvidedCV, self).__init__(id=id, uri=uri, **kwargs) def load(self, handle=None): resolver = self.resolver or controlled_vocabulary.obo_cache try: cv = resolver.resolve(self.uri) except ValueError: cv = resolver.fallback(self.uri) if cv is None: raise LookupError(self.uri) try: = except Exception: pass return cv def __getitem__(self, key): return self.converter(super(ProvidedCV, self).__getitem__(key), self)
[docs]class XMLWriterMixin(object): """A mixin class to provide methods for writing XML elements and aggregate Components. Attributes ---------- verbose : bool Controls debug printing writer: lxml.etree._IncrementalFileWriter The low-level XML writer used by :attr:`xmlfile` """ verbose = False
[docs] @contextmanager def element(self, element_name, **kwargs): """Construct and immediately open a subclass instance of :class:`TagBase` with the given tag name. All other arguments are forwarded to the :class:`TagBase` constructor. Parameters ---------- element_name: str The name of the tag type to create *args Arbitrary arguments for the tag **kwargs Key word arguments for the tag See Also -------- :func:`element` """ if self.verbose: print("In XMLWriterMixin.element", element_name, kwargs) try: if isinstance(element_name, basestring): with element(self.writer, element_name, **kwargs): yield else: with element_name.element(self.writer, **kwargs): yield except AttributeError: if self.writer is None: raise ValueError( "This writer has not yet been created." " Make sure to use this object as a context manager using the " "`with` notation or by explicitly calling its __enter__ and " "__exit__ methods.") else: raise
[docs] def write(self, *args, **kwargs): """Either write a complete XML sub-tree or add free text to the file stream Parameters ---------- arg: str or :class:`lxml.etree.Element` The entity to be written out. """ if self.verbose: print(args[0]) try: self.writer.write(*args, **kwargs) except AttributeError: if self.writer is None: raise ValueError( "This writer has not yet been created." " Make sure to use this object as a context manager using the " "`with` notation or by explicitly calling its __enter__ and " "__exit__ methods.") else: raise
def flush(self): self.writer.flush()
class XMLFormattingStreamWriter(object): """Wraps a writable stream with a layer emulating the class:`lxml.etree.xmlfile` interface, save that it automatically formats and indents the XML generated without requiring a separate pass through the XML pretty printing processing Attributes ---------- indent_chars : str The characters to indent with indent_level : int The current indentation level stream : :class:`io.IOBase` The stream to wrap writer : :class:`lxml.etree._IncrementalFileWriter` The actual XML writer wrote_text_stack : :class:`collections.deque` A stack to track if a layer wrote text in one of its children and should not have its end tag written on a new line xmlfile : :class:`lxml.etree.xmlfile` The actual XML writer's controller """ def __init__(self, stream, encoding=None, indent=' ', **kwargs): = stream self.xmlfile = etree.xmlfile(, encoding=encoding, buffered=False, **kwargs) self.writer = None self.indent_level = 0 self.indent_chars = indent self.wrote_text_stack = deque() def __enter__(self): self.writer = self.xmlfile.__enter__() return self def __exit__(self, *args): self.xmlfile.__exit__(*args) def _indent_tag(self): self.writer.write('\n' + (self.indent_chars * self.indent_level)) @contextmanager def element(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.indent_level > 0: self._indent_tag() elt = self.writer.element(*args, **kwargs) elt.__enter__() self.wrote_text_stack.append(False) self.indent_level += 1 yield self.indent_level -= 1 if not self.wrote_text_stack[-1]: self._indent_tag() elt.__exit__(None, None, None) self.wrote_text_stack.pop() def write(self, *args, **kwargs): if isinstance(args[0], basestring if not PY3 else (str, bytes)): self.wrote_text_stack[-1] = True if not self.wrote_text_stack[-1]: if self.indent_level > 0: self._indent_tag() self.writer.write(*args, **kwargs) def flush(self): self.writer.flush() def write_doctype(self): self.writer.write_doctype() def write_declaration(self): self.writer.write_declaration()
[docs]class XMLDocumentWriter(XMLWriterMixin): """A base class for types which are used to write complete XML documents. Attributes ---------- outfile : file A writable file object toplevel : TagBase The top-level XML tag xmlfile : lxml.etree.xmlfile The XML formatter writer : lxml.etree._IncrementalFileWriter The low-level XML writer used by :attr:`xmlfile` """
[docs] @staticmethod def toplevel_tag(): """Overridable method to construct the appropriate tag for :attr:`toplevel` Returns ------- TagBase """ return _element("xmldocument")
def __init__(self, outfile, close=None, encoding=None, **kwargs): if encoding is None: encoding = 'utf-8' self.outfile = outfile self.encoding = encoding self.xmlfile = XMLFormattingStreamWriter(outfile, encoding=encoding, **kwargs) self._writer = None self.toplevel = None self._ended = False self._close = close def _should_close(self): if self._close is None: return hasattr(self.outfile, 'close') return bool(self._close) @property def writer(self): if self._writer is None: raise ValueError( "The writer hasn't been started yet. Either use the object as a context manager" " or call the begin() method") return self._writer @writer.setter def writer(self, value): self._writer = value
[docs] def begin(self): """Writes the doctype and starts the low-level writing machinery """ if self._has_begun(): return self.writer = self.xmlfile.__enter__() self.writer.write_declaration() toplevel = self.toplevel_tag() if isinstance(toplevel, TagBase): toplevel_element = element(self.writer, toplevel) else: toplevel_element = toplevel self.toplevel = toplevel_element self.toplevel.__enter__()
def _has_begun(self): return self.toplevel is not None def __enter__(self): """Begins writing, opening the top-level tag """ self.begin() return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): """Closes the top-level tag, the XML formatter, and the file itself. """ self.end(exc_type, exc_value, traceback)
[docs] def end(self, exc_type=None, exc_value=None, traceback=None): """Ends the XML document, and flushes and closes the file if appropriate. """ self.toplevel.__exit__(exc_type, exc_value, traceback) self.writer.flush() try: self.xmlfile.__exit__(exc_type, exc_value, traceback) except etree.SerialisationError as err: # There seems to be a bug when `__exit__`ing xmlfile objects, usually # when they get large see here: # if str(err).startswith('unknown error'): warnings.warn("Error closing file: {}".format(err)) else: raise try: self.flush() except Exception: pass self._ended = True if self._should_close(): self._do_close()
[docs] def controlled_vocabularies(self): """Write out the `<cvList>` element and all its children, including both this format's default controlled vocabularies and those passed as arguments to this method.this This method requires writing to have begun. """ cvlist = self.CVList(self.vocabularies) cvlist.write(self.writer)
def _do_close(self): try: self.outfile.close() except AttributeError: pass def close(self): if not self._ended: self.end() # end() will close the file if _should_close() returns True, # otherwise the user must be asking to close explicitly. if not self._should_close(): self._do_close() def flush(self): try: self.outfile.flush() except AttributeError: self.writer.flush()
[docs] def format(self, outfile=None): """This method is deprecated. Previously, the serialization process did not indent the XML in-place and the lxml pretty printer had to be invoked separately. With the addition of :class:`XMLFormattingStreamWriter`, the XML stream is formatted in-place as it is being streamed to file. """ warnings.warn( "This method is no longer necessary, XML is formatted automatically", DeprecationWarning, 2)
[docs] def validate(self): """Attempt to perform XSD validation on the XML document this writer wrote Returns ------- bool: Whether or not the document was valid lxml.etree.XMLSchema: The schema object where errors are logged Raises ------ TypeError When the file cannot be recovered from the writer object, a :class:`TypeError` is thrown """ prev = None try: if isinstance(self.outfile, basestring): fname = self.outfile else: fname = except AttributeError: if hasattr(self.outfile, 'seek'): prev = self.outfile.tell() fname = self.outfile else: raise TypeError("Can't get file from %r" % (self.outfile,)) result, schema = validate(fname) if prev is not None: return result, schema