Usage Examples -------------- Writing mzML ============ In this example, we'll walk through the steps involved in writing an mzML file containing simulated data. Writing an mzML file with :mod:`psims` is done using the :class:`~.MzMLWriter` class. .. code:: python from psims.mzml import MzMLWriter To begin, you create the writer with a file path, or a previously created file-like object: .. code:: python writer = MzMLWriter("path/to/write.mzML") Before any content can be written out, the writer must start the document, which can be done by either using it as a context manager, or by calling it's :meth:`~.IndexedMzMLWriter.begin` method. .. code:: python with writer: writer.controlled_vocabularies() ... The above example uses the context manager syntax, and immediately writes the controlled vocabulary list to the document. This starts the standard-compliance state-machine, which checks to make sure that a document proceeds through each section in the expected order, without skipping required sections. The remainder of these code samples will take place within this context manager. The next step is to describe the contents of the file to be written. This includes both provenance information (where the data came from) and classification of the types of spectra contained (MS1 and/or MSn spectra, centroid vs. profile spectra). In this example, we'll generate some data *de novo*, and so won't have any ```` elements. .. code:: python writer.file_description([ # the list of file contents terms "MS1 spectrum", "MSn spectrum", "centroid spectrum" ]) If a ```` is needed, it can be built using .. code:: python sf = writer.SourceFile("file://path/to/the", "file_name.ext", id="RAW1", params=params) # If you need to checksum a local file sf.params.append(sf.checksum('sha-1')) The next required list is ````. Replace the names here with your own tools if needed: .. code:: python writer.software_list([ {"id": "psims-writer", "version": "0.1.2", "params": [ "python-psims", ]} ]) The instrument configuration list is a bit more involved to specify. For example, an ESI FT-ICR system would be described by: .. code:: python source = writer.Source(1, ["electrospray ionization", "electrospray inlet"]) analyzer = writer.Analyzer(2, [ ""fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometer" ]) detector = writer.Detector(3, ["inductive detector"]) config = writer.InstrumentConfiguration(id="IC1", component_list=[source, analyzer, detector], params=["LTQ-FT"]) writer.instrument_configuration_list([config]) Multiple configurations may be specified. The ```` instructions can be as intricate as needed. We'll throw in some extra terms for demonstration purposes. Remember, if you used a different software ID above in the ```` section, to use that here too instead of ``"psims-writer"``. .. code:: python methods = [] methods.append( writer.ProcessingMethod( order=1, sofware_reference="psims-writer", params=[ "Gaussian smoothing", "median baseline reduction", "MS:1000035", # peak picking "Conversion to mzML" ])) processing = writer.DataProcessing(methods, id='DP1') writer.data_processing_list([processing]) Now, we're nearly ready to start writing spectra. To start, we open the run and spectrum list: .. code:: python import numpy as np with, instrument_configuration='IC1'): # we will write 3,000 spectra with writer.spectrum_list(count=1e3): ... We write all spectra within the inner context manager of the spectrum list, or instead of using the context manager notation, call the :meth:`~.XMLDocumentWriter.begin` and :meth:`~.XMLDocumentWriter.end` methods. A spectrum is a collection of many complex details. We'll use :title-reference:`NumPy` arrays to represent the data arrays. This file contains centroided spectra as previously specified in the file description. We'll assume there's a function that generates a centroided spectrum, called ``get_next_arrays`` to produce those arrays. .. code:: python i = 0 while i < 1e3: i += 1 ms1_mzs, ms1_intensities = get_next_arrays() ms1_spectrum_id = "index=%d" % i scan_time = 0.23 * i writer.write_spectrum( ms1_mzs, ms1_intensities, id=ms1_spectrum_id, centroided=True, scan_start_time=scan_time, scan_window_list=[(0, 2000.0)], params=[{"ms level": 1}, {"total ion current": ms1_intensities.sum()}]) for j in range(3): i += 1 msn_mzs, msn_intensities = get_next_arrays() msn_spectrum_id = "index=%d" % i scan_time = 0.23 * i k = np.random.randint(len(ms1_mzs)) precursor_info = { "mz": ms1_mzs[k], 'intensity': ms1_intensities[k], "spectrum_reference": ms1_spectrum_id, "activation": ["HCD", {"collision energy": 25.0}], "isolation_window": (1.0, ms1_mzs[k], 1.0) } writer.write_spectrum( msn_mzs, msn_intensities, id=msn_spectrum_id, centroided=True, scan_start_time=scan_time, scan_window_list=[(0, 2000.0)], precursor_information=precursor_info, params=[{"ms level": 2}, {"total ion current": msn_intensities.sum()}]) Similar code can be used for writing chromatograms, see :meth:`~.PlainMzMLWriter.write_chromatogram`. Once the document is finished, we leave the top-level context manager. The Complicated Bits ==================== .. contents:: Topics :local: :depth: 2 Precursor Information ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Precursor ions, dissociation/activation information, and isolation windows are really important when dealing with tandem mass spectra. The ```` element is pretty complex though, with three distinct sub-elements, ````, ````, and ``activation``, each of which contains a list of cvParams with varying requirements. :meth:`~.psims.mzml.writer.IndexedMzMLWriter.precursor_builder` provides you with an object you can use to incrementally build up the value to provide. .. code:: python precursor = writer.precursor_builder() si = precursor.selected_ion(mz=256.05) si.charge = 2 act = precursor.activation() act.add_param("collision-induced dissociation") act.add_param({"collision energy": 25.0}) writer.write_spectrum(..., precursor_information=precursor) This translates to the following XML: .. code-block:: xml Alternatively, you can pass these arguments to :meth:`~.psims.mzml.writer.IndexedMzMLWriter.prepare_precursor_information` to go through the same value translation. This will be done automatically when a :class:`dict` was passed as the `precursor_information` argument to :meth:`~.psims.mzml.writer.IndexedMzMLWriter.spectrum`/:meth:`~.psims.mzml.writer.IndexedMzMLWriter.write_spectrum`. Binary Data Array Encoding and Compression ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It's arguable that the binary data arrays account for the majority of the space used by mzML files, and are an important piece of content. These numerical arrays are encoded using specific precision types and compression schemes. The standard practice is to encode m/z arrays using 64-bit floating point numbers and everything else using 32-bit floating point numbers or integers where appropriate. To configure the encoding of a particular array, when calling :meth:`~.IndexedMzMLWriter.spectrum`, :meth:`~.IndexedMzMLWriter.chromatogram`, you may pass an ``encoding`` :class:`dict` parameter which maps array type to encoding data type. By default, this will map ``m/z array`` to 64-bit float and ``charge array`` to 32-bit integer and all other arrays will map to 32-bit float. The mzML standard specifies a binary data array may be compressed too. The ``compression`` argument controls which method is used. The default method is ``zlib`` compression, see the :obj:`~psims.mzml.writer.compression_map` attribute of the :mod:`psims.mzml.writer` module. ``zlib`` is a lossless compression scheme, but can be slow, while the MS-Numpress compression methods are able to reduce the size of the data by altering the binary composition prior to base64 encoding at the cost of losing some precision. MS-Numpress methods also require the :mod:`pynumpress` library be installed.