Source code for ms_deisotope.data_source.metadata.file_information

"""Defines types for describing different kinds of mass spectrometry
data files and their contents, and a database of controlled vocabulary
terms for them.

import os
import re
import hashlib
import warnings

from collections import OrderedDict

    from import MutableMapping, Mapping
except ImportError:
    from collections import MutableMapping, Mapping

from six import string_types as basestring

from .cv import Term, TermSet

except NameError:
    FileNotFoundError = OSError

class IDParserBase(object):
    """A base class for ID parsing and formatting.

    def parse(self, text):
        """Parse a string looking for fields defined by this ID format.

        text : str
            The string to parse

            The parsed fields of the ID string.
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def format(self, fields):
        """Format a set of fields as a nativeID string.

        fields : dict
            The fields to populate the nativeID from.

        raise NotImplementedError()

    def __call__(self, text):
        """Parse a string looking for fields defined by this ID format.

        text : str
            The string to parse

            The parsed fields of the ID string.

        See Also
        return self.parse(text)

class IDFormat(Term, IDParserBase):
    """Describes a named spectrum identifier format, either
    using a controlled-vocabulary term or user-defined name.

    A :class:`IDFormat` is equal to its name and its controlled
    vocabulary identifier.

    An instance may also be used to parse a string in its format
    using its :meth:`parse` method, creating a :class:`dict` of
    its fields.

    parser: NativeIDParser
        A parser for the specified nativeID format type.

    def __init__(self, name, id, description, category, specialization):
        super(IDFormat, self).__init__(
            name, id, description, category, specialization)
        self.parser = NativeIDParser.from_term(self)

    def parse(self, text):
        """Parse a string looking for fields defined by this term's nativeID

        text : str
            The string to parse

            The parsed fields of the ID string.
        if self.parser is None:
            raise ValueError(
                "This IDFormat doesn't have a pattern!")
        return self.parser.parse(text)

    def format(self, fields):
        """Format a set of fields as a nativeID string.

        fields : dict
            The fields to populate the nativeID from.

        return self.parser.format(fields)

    def __call__(self, text):
        return self.parse(text)

class FileFormat(Term):
    """Describes a named mass spectrometry data file format, either
    using a controlled-vocabulary term or user-defined name.

    A :class:`FileFormat` is equal to its name and its controlled
    vocabulary identifier.

class FileContent(Term):
    """Describes a named mass spectrometry data file content type,
    either using a controlled-vocabulary term or user-defined name.

    A :class:`FileContent` is equal to its name and its controlled
    vocabulary identifier.

type_pat = re.compile("([A-Za-z]+)=xsd:(%s+)" % '|'.join(
    {'IDREF', "long", 'nonNegativeInteger', 'positiveInteger', 'string'}))

xsd_to_regex = {
    "IDREF": r"(\S+)",
    "long": r"(-?\d+)",
    "nonNegativeInteger": r"(\d+)",
    "positiveInteger": r"(\d+)",
    "string": r"(\S+)",

xsd_to_type = {
    "IDREF": str,
    "long": int,
    "nonNegativeInteger": int,
    "positiveInteger": int,
    "string": str,

class NativeIDParser(IDParserBase):
    """A parser for a single nativeID format.

    These may be automatically derived from the CV-param defining them by parsing the
    XSD string included, but no guarantee is available.

    def __init__(self, parser, tokens, name):
        self.parser = parser
        self.tokens = OrderedDict(tokens) = name

    def from_term(cls, term):
        """Construct a :class:`NativeIDParser` from :class:`IDFormat` term.

        term : IDFormat
            The nativeID format specification to build a parser for

            The constructed parser, or :const:`None` if no regular expression could be
        if "Native format defined by" in term.description:
            tokens = []
            desc = term.description.split(
                "Native format defined by", 1)[1].rstrip()
            for mat in type_pat.finditer(desc):
            parser = re.compile(
                ''.join([r"(%s)=%s\s?" % (k, xsd_to_regex[v]) for k, v in tokens]))
            return cls(parser, tokens,
        return None

    def parse(self, string):
        """Parse a string according to this parser's pattern,
        returning the type-cast fields as a :class:`dict`.

        string : str
            The string to parse

            The fields of the scan ID

            If the string does not conform to the expected pattern
        match = self.parser.match(string)
        if match is None:
            return OrderedDict()
        groups = match.groups()
        n = len(groups)
        i = 0
        fields = OrderedDict()
        while i < n:
            k = groups[i]
            v = groups[i + 1]
            i += 2
                v = int(v)
            except ValueError:
            fields[k] = v
        return fields

    def format(self, fields):
        """Format a set of fields as a nativeID string.

        fields : dict
            The fields to populate the nativeID from.

        parts = []
        for key in self.tokens:
            parts.append("%s=%s" % (key, fields[key]))
        return ' '.join(parts)

class MultipleIDFormats(Mapping, IDParserBase):
    """Represent an ambiguous group of multiple nativeID formats.

    Implements the :class:`` interface.

    id_formats : OrderedDict
        A mapping of format name to :class:`IDFormat` instances

    def __init__(self, id_formats):
        self.id_formats = id_formats

    def parse(self, text):
        fields = OrderedDict()
        for name, parser in self.id_formats.items():
            fields = parser.parse(text)
            if not fields:
                fields['id_format'] = name
        return fields

    def format(self, fields):
        format_name = fields.get('id_format')
        id_format = self.id_formats[format_name]
        return id_format.format(fields)

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self.id_formats)

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return self.id_formats[key]

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.id_formats)

    def __repr__(self):
        template = "{self.__class__.__name__}({self.id_formats})"
        return template.format(self=self)

id_formats = []

# [[[cog
# import cog
# from import render_list
# render_list('native spectrum identifier format',
#             "id_formats", term_cls_name="IDFormat", writer=cog.out)
# ]]]
# CV Version: 4.1.95
id_formats = TermSet([
    IDFormat('Thermo nativeID format', 'MS:1000768',
             ('Native format defined by '
              'controllerType=xsd:nonNegativeInteger '
              'controllerNumber=xsd:positiveInteger '
             'native spectrum identifier format',
             ['native spectrum identifier format']),
    IDFormat('Waters nativeID format', 'MS:1000769',
             ('Native format defined by function=xsd:positiveInteger '
              'process=xsd:nonNegativeInteger scan=xsd:nonNegativeInteger.'),
             'native spectrum identifier format',
             ['native spectrum identifier format']),
    IDFormat('WIFF nativeID format', 'MS:1000770',
             ('Native format defined by sample=xsd:nonNegativeInteger '
              'period=xsd:nonNegativeInteger cycle=xsd:nonNegativeInteger '
             'native spectrum identifier format',
             ['native spectrum identifier format']),
    IDFormat('Bruker/Agilent YEP nativeID format', 'MS:1000771',
             ('Native format defined by scan=xsd:nonNegativeInteger.'),
             'native spectrum identifier format',
             ['native spectrum identifier format']),
    IDFormat('Bruker BAF nativeID format', 'MS:1000772',
             ('Native format defined by scan=xsd:nonNegativeInteger.'),
             'native spectrum identifier format',
             ['native spectrum identifier format']),
    IDFormat('Bruker FID nativeID format', 'MS:1000773',
             ('Native format defined by file=xsd:IDREF.'),
             'native spectrum identifier format',
             ['native spectrum identifier format']),
    IDFormat('multiple peak list nativeID format', 'MS:1000774',
             ('Native format defined by index=xsd:nonNegativeInteger.'),
             'native spectrum identifier format',
             ['native spectrum identifier format']),
    IDFormat('single peak list nativeID format', 'MS:1000775',
             ('Native format defined by file=xsd:IDREF.'),
             'native spectrum identifier format',
             ['native spectrum identifier format']),
    IDFormat('scan number only nativeID format', 'MS:1000776',
             ('Native format defined by scan=xsd:nonNegativeInteger.'),
             'native spectrum identifier format',
             ['native spectrum identifier format']),
    IDFormat('spectrum identifier nativeID format', 'MS:1000777',
             ('Native format defined by spectrum=xsd:nonNegativeInteger.'),
             'native spectrum identifier format',
             ['native spectrum identifier format']),
    IDFormat('Bruker U2 nativeID format', 'MS:1000823',
             ('Native format defined by declaration=xsd:nonNegativeInteger '
              'collection=xsd:nonNegativeInteger '
             'native spectrum identifier format',
             ['native spectrum identifier format']),
    IDFormat('no nativeID format', 'MS:1000824',
             ('No nativeID format indicates that the file tagged with this '
              'term does not contain spectra that can have a nativeID '
             'native spectrum identifier format',
             ['native spectrum identifier format']),
    IDFormat('Shimadzu Biotech nativeID format', 'MS:1000929',
             ('Native format defined by source=xsd:string '
              'start=xsd:nonNegativeInteger end=xsd:nonNegativeInteger.'),
             'native spectrum identifier format',
             ['native spectrum identifier format']),
    IDFormat('SCIEX TOF/TOF nativeID format', 'MS:1001480',
             ('Native format defined by jobRun=xsd:nonNegativeInteger '
              'spotLabel=xsd:string spectrum=xsd:nonNegativeInteger.'),
             'native spectrum identifier format',
             ['native spectrum identifier format']),
    IDFormat('Agilent MassHunter nativeID format', 'MS:1001508',
             ('Native format defined by scanId=xsd:nonNegativeInteger.'),
             'native spectrum identifier format',
             ['native spectrum identifier format']),
    IDFormat('spectrum from database integer nativeID format', 'MS:1001526',
             ('Native format defined by databasekey=xsd:long.'),
             'native spectrum identifier format',
             ['native spectrum identifier format']),
    IDFormat('Mascot query number', 'MS:1001528',
             ('Native format defined by query=xsd:nonNegativeInteger.'),
             'native spectrum identifier format',
             ['native spectrum identifier format', 'spectrum identification result details']),
    IDFormat('spectrum from ProteinScape database nativeID format', 'MS:1001531',
             ('Native format defined by databasekey=xsd:long.'),
             'native spectrum identifier format',
             ['native spectrum identifier format', 'spectra data details', 'search input details']),
    IDFormat('spectrum from database string nativeID format', 'MS:1001532',
             ('Native format defined by databasekey=xsd:string.'),
             'native spectrum identifier format',
             ['native spectrum identifier format', 'spectra data details', 'search input details']),
    IDFormat('SCIEX TOF/TOF T2D nativeID format', 'MS:1001559',
             ('Native format defined by file=xsd:IDREF.'),
             'native spectrum identifier format',
             ['native spectrum identifier format']),
    IDFormat('Scaffold nativeID format', 'MS:1001562',
             ('Scaffold native ID format.'),
             'native spectrum identifier format',
             ['native spectrum identifier format']),
    IDFormat('Bruker Container nativeID format', 'MS:1002303',
             ('Native identifier (UUID).'),
             'native spectrum identifier format',
             ['native spectrum identifier format']),
    IDFormat('UIMF nativeID format', 'MS:1002532',
             ('Native format defined by frame=xsd:nonNegativeInteger '
              'scan=xsd:nonNegativeInteger '
             'native spectrum identifier format',
             ['native spectrum identifier format']),
    IDFormat('Bruker TDF nativeID format', 'MS:1002818',
             ('Native format defined by frame=xsd:nonNegativeInteger '
             'native spectrum identifier format',
             ['native spectrum identifier format']),
    IDFormat('Shimadzu Biotech QTOF nativeID format', 'MS:1002898',
             ('Native format defined by scan=xsd:nonNegativeInteger.'),
             'native spectrum identifier format',
             ['native spectrum identifier format']),
# [[[end]]]

file_formats = []

# [[[cog
# import cog
# from import render_list
# render_list('mass spectrometer file format',
#             "file_formats", term_cls_name="FileFormat", writer=cog.out)
# ]]]
# CV Version: 4.1.95
file_formats = TermSet([
    FileFormat('Waters raw format', 'MS:1000526',
               ('Waters data file format found in a Waters RAW directory, '
                'generated from an MS acquisition.'),
               'mass spectrometer file format',
               ['mass spectrometer file format', 'file format']),
    FileFormat('ABI WIFF format', 'MS:1000562',
               ('Applied Biosystems WIFF file format.'),
               'mass spectrometer file format',
               ['mass spectrometer file format', 'file format']),
    FileFormat('Thermo RAW format', 'MS:1000563',
               ('Thermo Scientific RAW file format.'),
               'mass spectrometer file format',
               ['mass spectrometer file format', 'file format']),
    FileFormat('PSI mzData format', 'MS:1000564',
               ('Proteomics Standards Inititative mzData file format.'),
               'mass spectrometer file format',
               ['mass spectrometer file format', 'file format']),
    FileFormat('Micromass PKL format', 'MS:1000565',
               ('Micromass PKL file format.'),
               'mass spectrometer file format',
               ['mass spectrometer file format', 'file format']),
    FileFormat('ISB mzXML format', 'MS:1000566',
               ('Institute of Systems Biology mzXML file format.'),
               'mass spectrometer file format',
               ['mass spectrometer file format', 'file format']),
    FileFormat('Bruker/Agilent YEP format', 'MS:1000567',
               ('Bruker/Agilent YEP file format.'),
               'mass spectrometer file format',
               ['mass spectrometer file format', 'file format']),
    FileFormat('mzML format', 'MS:1000584',
               ('Proteomics Standards Inititative mzML file format.'),
               'mass spectrometer file format',
               ['mass spectrometer file format', 'file format']),
    FileFormat('DTA format', 'MS:1000613',
               ('SEQUEST DTA file format.'),
               'mass spectrometer file format',
               ['mass spectrometer file format', 'file format']),
    FileFormat('ProteinLynx Global Server mass spectrum XML format', 'MS:1000614',
               ('Peak list file format used by ProteinLynx Global Server.'),
               'mass spectrometer file format',
               ['mass spectrometer file format', 'file format']),
    FileFormat('parameter file', 'MS:1000740',
               ('Parameter file used to configure the acquisition of raw data '
                'on the instrument.'),
               'mass spectrometer file format',
               ['mass spectrometer file format', 'file format']),
    FileFormat('Bioworks SRF format', 'MS:1000742',
               ('Thermo Finnigan SRF file format.'),
               'mass spectrometer file format',
               ['mass spectrometer file format', 'intermediate analysis format', 'file format']),
    FileFormat('Bruker BAF format', 'MS:1000815',
               ('Bruker BAF raw file format.'),
               'mass spectrometer file format',
               ['mass spectrometer file format', 'file format']),
    FileFormat('Bruker U2 format', 'MS:1000816',
               ('Bruker HyStar U2 file format.'),
               'mass spectrometer file format',
               ['mass spectrometer file format', 'file format']),
    FileFormat('Bruker FID format', 'MS:1000825',
               ('Bruker FID file format.'),
               'mass spectrometer file format',
               ['mass spectrometer file format', 'file format']),
    FileFormat('Shimadzu Biotech database entity', 'MS:1000930',
               ('Shimadzu Biotech format.'),
               'mass spectrometer file format',
               ['mass spectrometer file format', 'file format']),
    FileFormat('Mascot MGF format', 'MS:1001062',
               ('Mascot MGF file format.'),
               'mass spectrometer file format',
               ['mass spectrometer file format', 'file format']),
    FileFormat('PerSeptive PKS format', 'MS:1001245',
               ('PerSeptive peak list file format.'),
               'mass spectrometer file format',
               ['mass spectrometer file format', 'file format']),
    FileFormat('SCIEX API III format', 'MS:1001246',
               ('PE SCIEX peak list file format.'),
               'mass spectrometer file format',
               ['mass spectrometer file format', 'file format']),
    FileFormat('Bruker XML format', 'MS:1001247',
               ('Bruker data exchange XML format.'),
               'mass spectrometer file format',
               ['mass spectrometer file format', 'file format']),
    FileFormat('text format', 'MS:1001369',
               ('Simple text file format of \\"m/z [intensity]\\" values for a '
                'PMF (or single MS2) search.'),
               'mass spectrometer file format',
               ['mass spectrometer file format', 'file format']),
    FileFormat('Phenyx XML format', 'MS:1001463',
               ('Phenyx open XML file format.'),
               'mass spectrometer file format',
               ['mass spectrometer file format', 'intermediate analysis format', 'file format']),
    FileFormat('MS2 format', 'MS:1001466',
               ('MS2 file format for MS2 spectral data." [PMID:15317041, '
               'mass spectrometer file format',
               ['mass spectrometer file format', 'file format']),
    FileFormat('SCIEX TOF/TOF database', 'MS:1001481',
               ('Applied Biosystems/MDS Analytical Technologies TOF/TOF '
                'instrument database.'),
               'mass spectrometer file format',
               ['mass spectrometer file format', 'file format']),
    FileFormat('Agilent MassHunter format', 'MS:1001509',
               ('A data file format found in an Agilent MassHunter directory '
                'which contains raw data acquired by an Agilent mass '
               'mass spectrometer file format',
               ['mass spectrometer file format', 'file format']),
    FileFormat('Proteinscape spectra', 'MS:1001527',
               ('Spectra from Bruker/Protagen Proteinscape database.'),
               'mass spectrometer file format',
               ['mass spectrometer file format', 'file format']),
    FileFormat('SCIEX TOF/TOF T2D format', 'MS:1001560',
               ('Applied Biosystems/MDS Analytical Technologies TOF/TOF '
                'instrument export format.'),
               'mass spectrometer file format',
               ['mass spectrometer file format', 'file format']),
    FileFormat('mz5 format', 'MS:1001881',
               ('mz5 file format, modelled after mzML.'),
               'mass spectrometer file format',
               ['mass spectrometer file format', 'file format']),
    FileFormat('Bruker Container format', 'MS:1002302',
               ('Bruker Container raw file format.'),
               'mass spectrometer file format',
               ['mass spectrometer file format', 'file format']),
    FileFormat('SCiLS Lab format', 'MS:1002385',
               ('SCiLS Lab file format.'),
               'mass spectrometer file format',
               ['mass spectrometer file format', 'file format']),
    FileFormat('Andi-MS format', 'MS:1002441',
               ('AIA Analytical Data Interchange file format for mass '
                'spectrometry data.'),
               'mass spectrometer file format',
               ['mass spectrometer file format', 'file format']),
    FileFormat('UIMF format', 'MS:1002531',
               ('SQLite-based file format created at Pacific Northwest '
                'National Lab. It stores an intermediate analysis of ion- '
                'mobility mass spectrometry data.'),
               'mass spectrometer file format',
               ['mass spectrometer file format', 'file format']),
    FileFormat('MS1 format', 'MS:1002597',
               ('MS1 file format for MS1 spectral data." [PMID:15317041'),
               'mass spectrometer file format',
               ['mass spectrometer file format', 'file format']),
    FileFormat('Bruker TDF format', 'MS:1002817',
               ('Bruker TDF raw file format.'),
               'mass spectrometer file format',
               ['mass spectrometer file format', 'file format']),
    FileFormat('mzMLb format', 'MS:1002838',
               ('mzMLb file format, mzML encapsulated within HDF5." [PSI:PI'),
               'mass spectrometer file format',
               ['mass spectrometer file format', 'file format']),
    FileFormat('msalign format', 'MS:1002899',
               ('msalign file format.'),
               'mass spectrometer file format',
               ['mass spectrometer file format', 'file format']),
    FileFormat('feature format', 'MS:1002900',
               ('TopFD feature file format.'),
               'mass spectrometer file format',
               ['mass spectrometer file format', 'file format']),
    FileFormat('chrom format', 'MS:1002966',
               ('The Lipid Data Analyzer native chrom format.'),
               'mass spectrometer file format',
               ['mass spectrometer file format', 'file format']),
    FileFormat('Andromeda:apl file format', 'MS:1002996',
               ('Peak list file format of the Andromeda search engine.'),
               'mass spectrometer file format',
               ['mass spectrometer file format', 'file format']),
    FileFormat('Shimadzu Biotech LCD format', 'MS:1003009',
               ('Shimadzu Biotech LCD file format.'),
               'mass spectrometer file format',
               ['mass spectrometer file format', 'file format']),
# [[[end]]]

content_keys = []

# [[[cog
# import cog
# from import render_list
# render_list('data file content',
#             "content_keys", term_cls_name="FileContent", writer=cog.out)
# ]]]
# CV Version: 4.1.95
content_keys = TermSet([
    FileContent('mass spectrum', 'MS:1000294',
                ('A plot of the relative abundance of a beam or other '
                 'collection of ions as a function of the mass-to-charge ratio '
                'data file content',
                ['data file content', 'spectrum type']),
    FileContent('PDA spectrum', 'MS:1000620',
                ('OBSOLETE Spectrum generated from a photodiode array detector '
                 '(ultraviolet/visible spectrum).'),
                'data file content',
                ['data file content', 'spectrum type']),
    FileContent('electromagnetic radiation spectrum', 'MS:1000804',
                ('A plot of the relative intensity of electromagnetic '
                 'radiation as a function of the wavelength.'),
                'data file content',
                ['data file content', 'spectrum type']),
    FileContent('emission spectrum', 'MS:1000805',
                ('A plot of the relative intensity of electromagnetic '
                 'radiation emitted by atoms or molecules when excited.'),
                'data file content',
                ['data file content', 'spectrum type']),
    FileContent('absorption spectrum', 'MS:1000806',
                ('A plot of the relative intensity of electromagnetic '
                 'radiation absorbed by atoms or molecules when excited.'),
                'data file content',
                ['data file content', 'spectrum type']),
    FileContent('ion current chromatogram', 'MS:1000810',
                ('Representation of the current of ions versus time.'),
                'data file content',
                ['data file content', 'chromatogram type']),
    FileContent('electromagnetic radiation chromatogram', 'MS:1000811',
                ('Representation of electromagnetic properties versus time.'),
                'data file content',
                ['data file content', 'chromatogram type']),
    FileContent('mass spectrometry acquisition method', 'MS:1003213',
                ('Specific aspect of a mass spectrometer method by which mass '
                 'ranges are selected and possibly dissociated.'),
                'data file content',
                ['data file content', 'acquisition parameter']),
    FileContent('charge inversion mass spectrum', 'MS:1000322',
                ('The measurement of the relative abundance of ions that '
                 'result from a charge inversion reaction as a function of '
                'data file content',
                ['mass spectrum', 'data file content', 'spectrum type']),
    FileContent('constant neutral gain spectrum', 'MS:1000325',
                ('A spectrum formed of all product ions that have been '
                 'produced by gain of a pre-selected neutral mass following '
                 'the reaction with and addition of the gas in a collision '
                'data file content',
                ['mass spectrum', 'data file content', 'spectrum type']),
    FileContent('constant neutral loss spectrum', 'MS:1000326',
                ('A spectrum formed of all product ions that have been '
                 'produced with a selected m/z decrement from any precursor '
                 'ions. The spectrum shown correlates to the precursor ion '
                 'spectrum. See also neutral loss spectrum.'),
                'data file content',
                ['mass spectrum', 'data file content', 'spectrum type']),
    FileContent('e/2 mass spectrum', 'MS:1000328',
                ('A mass spectrum obtained using a sector mass spectrometer in '
                 'which the electric sector field E is set to half the value '
                 'required to transmit the main ion-beam. This spectrum '
                 'records the signal from doubly charged product ions of '
                 'charge-stripping reactions.'),
                'data file content',
                ['mass spectrum', 'data file content', 'spectrum type']),
    FileContent('precursor ion spectrum', 'MS:1000341',
                ('Spectrum generated by scanning precursor m/z while '
                 'monitoring a fixed product m/z.'),
                'data file content',
                ['mass spectrum', 'data file content', 'spectrum type']),
    FileContent('product ion spectrum', 'MS:1000343',
                ('OBSOLETE A mass spectrum recorded from any spectrometer in '
                 'which the appropriate m/z separation scan function is set to '
                 'record the product ion or ions of selected precursor ions.'),
                'data file content',
                ['mass spectrum', 'data file content', 'spectrum type']),
    FileContent('MS1 spectrum', 'MS:1000579',
                ('Mass spectrum created by a single-stage MS experiment or the '
                 'first stage of a multi-stage experiment.'),
                'data file content',
                ['mass spectrum', 'data file content', 'spectrum type']),
    FileContent('MSn spectrum', 'MS:1000580',
                ('MSn refers to multi-stage MS2 experiments designed to record '
                 'product ion spectra where n is the number of product ion '
                 'stages (progeny ions). For ion traps, sequential MS/MS '
                 'experiments can be undertaken where n > 2 whereas for a '
                 'simple triple quadrupole system n=2. Use the term ms level '
                 '(MS:1000511) for specifying n.'),
                'data file content',
                ['mass spectrum', 'data file content', 'spectrum type']),
    FileContent('CRM spectrum', 'MS:1000581',
                ('Spectrum generated from MSn experiment with three or more '
                 'stages of m/z separation and in which a particular multi- '
                 'step reaction path is monitored.'),
                'data file content',
                ['mass spectrum', 'data file content', 'spectrum type']),
    FileContent('SIM spectrum', 'MS:1000582',
                ('Spectrum obtained with the operation of a mass spectrometer '
                 'in which the abundances of one ion or several ions of '
                 'specific m/z values are recorded rather than the entire mass '
                 'spectrum (Selected Ion Monitoring).'),
                'data file content',
                ['mass spectrum', 'data file content', 'spectrum type']),
    FileContent('SRM spectrum', 'MS:1000583',
                ('Spectrum obtained when data are acquired from specific '
                 'product ions corresponding to m/z values of selected '
                 'precursor ions a recorded via two or more stages of mass '
                 'spectrometry. The precursor/product ion pair is called a '
                 'transition pair. Data can be obtained for a single '
                 'transition pair or multiple transition pairs. Multiple time '
                 'segments of different transition pairs can exist in a single '
                 'file. Single precursor ions can have multiple product ions '
                 'consitituting multiple transition pairs. Selected reaction '
                 'monitoring can be performed as tandem mass spectrometry in '
                 'time or tandem mass spectrometry in space.'),
                'data file content',
                ['mass spectrum', 'data file content', 'spectrum type']),
    FileContent('total ion current chromatogram', 'MS:1000235',
                ('Representation of the total ion current detected in each of '
                 'a series of mass spectra versus time.'),
                'data file content',
                ['ion current chromatogram', 'data file content', 'chromatogram type']),
    FileContent('selected ion current chromatogram', 'MS:1000627',
                ('Representation of an array of the measurements of a specific '
                 'single ion current versus time.'),
                'data file content',
                ['ion current chromatogram', 'data file content', 'chromatogram type']),
    FileContent('basepeak chromatogram', 'MS:1000628',
                ('Representation of an array of the most intense peaks versus '
                'data file content',
                ['ion current chromatogram', 'data file content', 'chromatogram type']),
    FileContent('selected ion monitoring chromatogram', 'MS:1001472',
                ('Representation of an array of the measurements of a '
                 'selectively monitored ion versus time.'),
                'data file content',
                ['ion current chromatogram', 'data file content', 'chromatogram type']),
    FileContent('selected reaction monitoring chromatogram', 'MS:1001473',
                ('Representation of an array of the measurements of a '
                 'selectively monitored reaction versus time.'),
                'data file content',
                ['ion current chromatogram', 'data file content', 'chromatogram type']),
    FileContent('consecutive reaction monitoring chromatogram', 'MS:1001474',
                ('OBSOLETE Representation of an array of the measurements of a '
                 'series of monitored reactions versus time.'),
                'data file content',
                ['ion current chromatogram', 'data file content', 'chromatogram type']),
    FileContent('absorption chromatogram', 'MS:1000812',
                ('Representation of light absorbed by the sample versus time.'),
                'data file content',
                ['electromagnetic radiation chromatogram', 'data file content', 'chromatogram type']),
    FileContent('emission chromatogram', 'MS:1000813',
                ('Representation of light emitted by the sample versus time.'),
                'data file content',
                ['electromagnetic radiation chromatogram', 'data file content', 'chromatogram type']),
    FileContent('selected ion monitoring', 'MS:1000205',
                ('The operation of a mass spectrometer in which the '
                 'intensities of several specific m/z values are recorded '
                 'rather than the entire mass spectrum.'),
                'data file content',
                ['data-independent acquisition', 'mass spectrometry acquisition method', 'mass spectrometry acquisition method aspect', 'data file content', 'acquisition parameter', 'spectrum generation information']),
    FileContent('selected reaction monitoring', 'MS:1000206',
                ('Data acquired from specific product ions corresponding to '
                 'm/z selected precursor ions recorded via multiple stages of '
                 'mass spectrometry. Selected reaction monitoring can be '
                 'performed in time or in space.'),
                'data file content',
                ['data-independent acquisition', 'mass spectrometry acquisition method', 'mass spectrometry acquisition method aspect', 'data file content', 'acquisition parameter', 'spectrum generation information']),
    FileContent('data independent acquisition from dissociation of sequential mass ranges', 'MS:1003224',
                ('Data independent mass spectrometer acquisition method '
                 'wherein a preconfigured sequence of mass ranges are '
                 'fragmented. Examples of such an approach include SWATH-MS, '
                 'FT-ARM, HRM, and PAcIFIC.'),
                'data file content',
                ['dissociation of sequential mass ranges', 'data-independent acquisition', 'mass spectrometry acquisition method', 'mass spectrometry acquisition method aspect', 'data file content', 'acquisition parameter', 'spectrum generation information']),
    FileContent('data independent acquisition from dissociation of sequential mass ranges after ion mobility separation', 'MS:1003225',
                ('Data independent mass spectrometer acquisition method '
                 'wherein a preconfigured sequence of mass ranges are '
                 'fragmented after being separated by ion mobility. An example '
                 'of such an approach is Bruker diaPASEF.'),
                'data file content',
                ['dissociation of sequential mass ranges', 'ion mobility separation', 'data-independent acquisition', 'mass spectrometry acquisition method', 'mass spectrometry acquisition method aspect', 'data file content', 'acquisition parameter', 'spectrum generation information']),
    FileContent('data independent acquisition from dissociation of full mass range after ion mobility separation', 'MS:1003226',
                ('Data independent mass spectrometer acquisition method '
                 'wherein the full mass range is fragmented after being '
                 'separated by ion mobility. Examples of such an approach '
                 'include HDMS^E and IMS-AIF.'),
                'data file content',
                ['dissociation of full mass range', 'ion mobility separation', 'data-independent acquisition', 'mass spectrometry acquisition method', 'mass spectrometry acquisition method aspect', 'data file content', 'acquisition parameter', 'spectrum generation information']),
    FileContent('data independent acquisition from dissociation of full mass range', 'MS:1003227',
                ('Data independent mass spectrometer acquisition method '
                 'wherein the full mass range is fragmented. Examples of such '
                 'an approach include MS^E, AIF, and bbCID.'),
                'data file content',
                ['dissociation of full mass range', 'ion mobility separation', 'data-independent acquisition', 'mass spectrometry acquisition method', 'mass spectrometry acquisition method aspect', 'data file content', 'acquisition parameter', 'spectrum generation information']),
    FileContent('data independent acquisition from dissociation of scanning quadrupole across mass range', 'MS:1003228',
                ('Data independent mass spectrometer acquisition method '
                 'wherein ???. An example of such an approach is Waters SONAR.'),
                'data file content',
                ['data-independent acquisition', 'dissociation of scanning quadrupole across a specified mass range', 'mass spectrometry acquisition method', 'mass spectrometry acquisition method aspect', 'data file content', 'acquisition parameter', 'spectrum generation information']),
    FileContent('enhanced multiply charged spectrum', 'MS:1000789',
                ('MS1 spectrum that is enriched in multiply-charged ions '
                 'compared to singly-charged ions.'),
                'data file content',
                ['MS1 spectrum', 'mass spectrum', 'data file content', 'spectrum type']),
    FileContent('time-delayed fragmentation spectrum', 'MS:1000790',
                ('MSn spectrum in which the product ions are collected after a '
                 'time delay, which allows the observation of lower energy '
                 'fragmentation processes after precursor ion activation.'),
                'data file content',
                ['MSn spectrum', 'mass spectrum', 'data file content', 'spectrum type']),
# [[[end]]]

spectrum_representation = []
# [[[cog
# import cog
# from import render_list
# render_list('spectrum representation',
#             "spectrum_representation", term_cls_name="FileContent", writer=cog.out)
# ]]]
# CV Version: 4.1.95
spectrum_representation = TermSet([
    FileContent('centroid spectrum', 'MS:1000127',
                ('Processing of profile data to produce spectra that contains '
                 'discrete peaks of zero width. Often used to reduce the size '
                 'of dataset.'),
                'spectrum representation',
                ['spectrum representation']),
    FileContent('profile spectrum', 'MS:1000128',
                ('A profile mass spectrum is created when data is recorded '
                 'with ion current (counts per second) on one axis and '
                 'mass/charge ratio on another axis.'),
                'spectrum representation',
                ['spectrum representation']),
# [[[end]]]

content_keys = content_keys + spectrum_representation

id_formats_by_name = { k for k in id_formats}
file_formats_by_name = { k for k in file_formats}
content_keys_by_name = { k for k in content_keys}

MS_MS1_Spectrum = content_keys.get('MS1 spectrum')
MS_MSn_Spectrum = content_keys.get('MSn spectrum')

def id_format(name):
    """Translate a given name or identifier into a :class:`IDFormat`

    If no match is found in the database of known :class:`IDFormat`
    types, a new dummy :class:`IDFormat` is returned with all fields
    set to the value of ``name``

        return id_formats[name]
    except KeyError:
        if name is None:
            return None
        return IDFormat(name, name, name, name, [name])

def file_format(name):
    """Translate a given name or identifier into a :class:`FileFormat`

    If no match is found in the database of known :class:`FileFormat`
    types, a new dummy :class:`FileFormat` is returned with all fields
    set to the value of ``name``

        return file_formats[name]
    except KeyError:
        if name is None:
            return None
        return FileFormat(name, name, name, name, [name])

def content_key(name):
    """Translate a given name or identifier into a :class:`FileContent`

    If no match is found in the database of known :class:`FileContent`
    types, a new dummy :class:`FileContent` is returned with all fields
    set to the value of ``name``

        return content_keys[name]
    except KeyError:
        if name is None:
            return None
        return FileContent(name, name, name, name, [name])

[docs]class FileInformation(MutableMapping): """Describes the type of data found in this file and the source files that contributed to it. Implements the :class:`MutableMapping` Interface Attributes ---------- contents : dict A mapping between controlled vocabullary names or user-defined names and an optional value. For standard controlled names see :data:`content_keys` source_files : list of :class:`.SourceFile` objects The set of files which either define the current file, or were used to create the current file if recorded. """ def __init__(self, contents=None, source_files=None): if contents is None: contents = {} if source_files is None: source_files = [] self.contents = dict(contents) self.source_files = list(source_files) self._id_format = None
[docs] def add_file(self, source, check=True): """Add a new file to :attr:`source_files` If ``source`` is a string, it will be interpreted as a path and an instance of :class:`SourceFile` will be created using :meth:`SourceFile.from_path`. Otherwise, it is assumed to be an instance of :class:`SourceFile`. Parameters ---------- source : str or :class:`SourceFile` Either the path to a file to be added to the source file collection, or an instance of :class:`SourceFile` check : bool, optional Whether or not to check and validate that a path points to a real file Raises ------ ValueError If a path fails to validate as real """ if isinstance(source, basestring): source = os.path.realpath(source) if check: if not os.path.exists(source): raise ValueError( "Source File %r does not exist" % (source,)) source = SourceFile.from_path(source) elif not isinstance(source, SourceFile): raise TypeError("Must pass an object of type %r, could not coerce %r" % ( SourceFile, type(source))) self.source_files.append(source)
[docs] def add_content(self, key, value=None): """Adds a new key-value pair to :attr:`contents` with an optional value Parameters ---------- key : str or :attr:`content` The content name, either a CV-term or a user-defined name value : object, optional The optional value, which should be any type of object whose meaning makes sense given the definition of ``key`` """ self.contents[key] = value
[docs] def remove_content(self, key): """Remove a key from :attr:`content` Parameters ---------- key : str or :class:`FileContent` The content key to remove """ self.contents.pop(key, None)
[docs] def get_content(self, key): """Retrieve the value of ``key`` from :attr:`contents`. This method is aliased to :meth:`__getitem__` Parameters ---------- key : str or :class:`FileContent` Returns ------- object """ return self.contents[key]
[docs] def has_content(self, key): """Check if ``key`` is found in :attr:`content` Parameters ---------- key : str or :class:`FileContent` Returns ------- bool """ return key in self.contents
def __getitem__(self, key): return self.get_content(key) def __contains__(self, key): return self.has_content(key) def __setitem__(self, key, value): self.add_content(key, value) def __delitem__(self, key): self.remove_content(key) def __repr__(self): template = "FileInformation(%s, %s)" return template % (self.contents, self.source_files) def __len__(self): return len(self.contents) def __iter__(self): return iter(self.contents)
[docs] def copy(self): """Create a deep copy of this object Returns ------- FileInformation """ return self.__class__( self.contents.copy(), [f.copy() for f in self.source_files])
def _find_native_id_format(self): options = list() unique = set() sf = None # type: SourceFile for sf in self.source_files: i = sf.id_format if i is None: continue elif i not in unique: unique.add(i) options.append(i) n = len(options) if n == 0: return id_format("MS:1000824") elif n == 1: return options[0] else: no_format = id_format("MS:1000824") if no_format in options: options.remove(no_format) n = len(options) if n == 1: return options[0] else: return MultipleIDFormats(OrderedDict([(, fmt) for fmt in options])) @property def id_format(self): if self._id_format is None: self._id_format = self._find_native_id_format() return self._id_format
format_parameter_map = { "thermo raw": (id_formats_by_name.get("Thermo nativeID format"), file_formats_by_name.get("Thermo RAW format")), "agilent d": (id_formats_by_name.get("Agilent MassHunter nativeID format"), file_formats_by_name.get("Agilent MassHunter format")), 'mgf': (id_formats_by_name.get("no nativeID format"), file_formats_by_name.get('Mascot MGF format')), 'waters': (id_formats_by_name.get('Waters nativeID format'), file_formats_by_name.get("Waters raw format")), }
[docs]class SourceFile(object): """Represents a single raw data file which either defines or contributed data to another data file, the "reference file" Attributes ---------- file_format : :class:`~.FileFormat` The name of a data file format. See :data:`file_formats` id : str The unique identifier for this file, among files which contributed to the reference file id_format : :class:`~.IDFormat` The name of a formal identifier schema. See :data:`~.id_formats` location : str The directory path to this file on the machine it was last read on to contribute to or define the reference file name : str The base name of this file parameters : dict A set of key-value pairs associated with this file, either encoding extra metadata annotations, or precomputed hash checksums """ _checksum_translation_map = { 'sha1': 'sha1', 'SHA-1': 'sha1', 'md5': 'md5', 'MD5': 'md5' } @classmethod def _resolve_checksum_hash_type(cls, hash_type): try: return cls._checksum_translation_map[hash_type] except KeyError: try: return cls._checksum_translation_map[hash_type.lower().replace("-", '')] except KeyError: raise KeyError(hash_type)
[docs] @classmethod def from_path(cls, path): """Construct a new :class:`SourceFile` from a path to a real file on the local file system. Parameters ---------- path: str The path to the file to describe Returns ------- SourceFile """ path = os.path.realpath(path) name = os.path.basename(path) location = os.path.dirname(path) idfmt, file_fmt = cls.guess_format(path) source = cls(name, location, name, idfmt, file_fmt) return source
def __init__(self, name, location, id=None, id_format=None, file_format=None, parameters=None): if id is None: id = name if parameters is None: parameters = {} = name self.location = location.replace("file:///", '') = id self.parameters = dict(parameters) self._clean_parameters() self.id_format = id_format or self.infer_id_format_from_paramters() self.file_format = file_format or self.infer_file_format_from_parameters() @property def id_format(self): return self._id_format @id_format.setter def id_format(self, value): if value is None: self._id_format = None else: self._id_format = id_format(str(value)) @property def file_format(self): return self._file_format @file_format.setter def file_format(self, value): if value is None: self._file_format = None else: self._file_format = file_format(str(value)) def _clean_parameters(self): self.parameters.pop("location", None) self.parameters.pop("id", None) self.parameters.pop("name", None) def infer_id_format_from_paramters(self): try: fmt = list(set(self.parameters) & set(id_formats))[0] self.parameters.pop(fmt) return fmt except IndexError: return None def infer_file_format_from_parameters(self): try: fmt = list(set(self.parameters) & set(file_formats))[0] self.parameters.pop(fmt) return fmt except IndexError: return None @property def path(self): return os.path.join(self.location, def is_resolvable(self): return os.path.exists(self.path) @staticmethod def guess_format(path): if not os.path.exists(path): return None, None id_fmt = "no nativeID format" if os.path.isdir(path): if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, 'AcqData')): return format_parameter_map['agilent d'] elif os.path.basename(path).replace(os.sep, '').endswith("raw"): return format_parameter_map['waters'] else: warnings.warn( "Could not determine source file type from directory path %r" % (path, )) return id_fmt, None parts = os.path.splitext(path) if len(parts) > 1: is_compressed = False ext = parts[1] if ext.lower() == '.gz': is_compressed = True parts = os.path.splitext(parts[0]) ext = parts[1] if ext.lower() == '.mzml': fmt = file_formats['MS:1000584'] id_fmt = "no nativeID format" hit = False if is_compressed: from .._compression import get_opener fh = get_opener(path) else: fh = open(path, 'rb') with fh: from ..xml_reader import iterparse_until for sf_tag in iterparse_until(fh, 'sourceFile', 'run'): for param in sf_tag.getchildren(): if "nativeID" in param.attrib['name']: id_fmt = param.attrib['name'] hit = True break if hit: break return id_fmt, fmt elif ext.lower() == '.mzxml': fmt = "ISB mzXML format" id_fmt = "scan number only nativeID format" return id_fmt, fmt elif ext.lower() == '.mgf': fmt = file_formats['MS:1001062'] id_fmt = "no nativeID format" return id_fmt, fmt elif ext.lower() == '.mzmlb': fmt = file_formats['MS:1002838'] id_fmt = "no nativeID format" from ms_deisotope.data_source.mzmlb import determine_if_available, MzMLbLoader # TODO: Try to open the file and get the nativeID format information from # the XML buffer, either just opening the file fully or by openinhg it at # the HDF5 level and grab the first 4k characters from the XML buffer and # doing the same as the mzML case. if determine_if_available(): handle = MzMLbLoader(path, use_index=False) fid = handle.file_description() id_fmt = fid.id_format return id_fmt, fmt with open(path, 'rb') as fh: lead_bytes = # looking for pattern matching b'\x01\xa1F\x00i\x00n\x00n\x00i\x00g\x00a\x00n\x00' decoded = lead_bytes.decode("utf-16")[1:9] if decoded == "Finnigan": return format_parameter_map['thermo raw'] return id_format, None def __repr__(self): template = "SourceFile(%r, %r, %r, %s, %s%s)" if self.parameters: tail = ", %r" % self.parameters else: tail = '' return template % (, self.location,, self.id_format, self.file_format, tail ) def _compute_checksum(self, hash_type='sha1', buffer_size=2**16): from .._compression import get_opener hasher = buffer_size = int(buffer_size) with get_opener(self.path) as fh: content_buffer = while content_buffer: hasher.update(content_buffer) content_buffer = return hasher.hexdigest() def checksum(self, hash_type='sha1'): hash_type = self._resolve_checksum_hash_type(hash_type) return self._compute_checksum(hash_type) def add_checksum(self, hash_type='sha1'): hash_type = self._resolve_checksum_hash_type(hash_type) checksum = self.checksum(hash_type) if hash_type == 'sha1': self.parameters['SHA-1'] = checksum elif hash_type == "md5": self.parameters['MD5'] = checksum def validate_checksum(self): if not os.path.exists(self.path): FileNotFoundError("%s not found" % (self.path,)) if 'SHA-1' in self.parameters: checksum = self.checksum('sha1') return self.parameters['SHA-1'] == checksum elif 'MD5' in self.parameters: checksum = self.checksum("md5") return self.parameters['MD5'] == checksum else: warnings.warn( "%r did not have a reference checksum. Could not validate" % (self,)) return True def has_checksum(self, hash_type=None): if hash_type is None: return ("SHA-1" in self.parameters) or ("MD5" in self.parameters) elif self._resolve_checksum_hash_type(hash_type) == 'sha1': return ("SHA-1" in self.parameters) elif self._resolve_checksum_hash_type(hash_type) == 'md5': return "MD5" in self.parameters def __eq__(self, other): if other is None: return False if self.path == other.path: if self.is_resolvable() and other.is_resolvable(): return self.checksum() == other.checksum() else: if self.is_resolvable(): for hash_type in ['SHA-1', 'MD5']: if other.has_checksum(hash_type): return self.checksum(hash_type) == other.parameters[hash_type] elif other.is_resolvable(): for hash_type in ['SHA-1', 'MD5']: if self.has_checksum(hash_type): return other.checksum(hash_type) == self.parameters[hash_type] else: for hash_type in ['SHA-1', 'MD5']: if self.has_checksum(hash_type) and other.has_checksum(hash_type): return other.parameters[hash_type] == self.parameters[hash_type] return False def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other def copy(self): return self.__class__(, self.location,, self.id_format, self.file_format, parameters=self.parameters.copy())
__all__ = [ "IDFormat", "FileFormat", "FileContent", "id_formats", "file_formats", "content_keys", "id_format", "file_format", "content_key", "FileInformation", "SourceFile" ]