Source code for ms_deisotope.data_source.metadata.scan_traits

"""A module defining types for describing instrument scans and windows,
as well as a :class:`~.Term` subclass for the `scan attribute` family.

from collections import namedtuple
from import MutableSequence
from typing import Optional

from ms_deisotope.utils import _MappingOverAttributeProxy
from .cv import Term, TermSet

def _isclose(x, y, atol=1e-3):
    return abs(x - y) < atol

_IsolationWindowBase = namedtuple(
    "IsolationWindow", ['lower', 'target', 'upper'])

[docs]class IsolationWindow(_IsolationWindowBase): r"""Describes the m/z interval a precursor ion was isolated from in the precursor scan An :class:`IsolationWindow` instance is comparable, hashable, and orderable. It is based on a :class:`namedtuple`, and supports the same interface and methods as a :class:`tuple`. Attributes ---------- lower: float The distance from the center of the isolation window towards 0 target: float The center of the isolation window in m/z upper: float The distance from the center of the isolation window towards :math:`\infty` lower_bound: float The m/z coordinate of the lower bound :attr:`target` - :attr:`lower` upper_bound: float The m/z coordinate of the upper bound :attr:`target` + :attr:`upper` width: float The sum of :attr:`lower` and :attr:`upper`, the total m/z space spanned by the window """ __slots__ = () __hash__ = _IsolationWindowBase.__hash__
[docs] @classmethod def make_empty(cls, point): """A helper method for instantiating an empty isolation window centered at `point` Parameters ---------- point : float The point to center the new empty window at. Returns ------- :class:`IsolationWindow` """ return cls(0, point, 0)
@property def lower_bound(self): """The m/z coordinate of the lower bound :attr:`target` - :attr:`lower` """ return - self.lower @property def upper_bound(self): """The m/z coordinate of the upper bound :attr:`target` + :attr:`upper` """ return + self.upper @property def width(self): """The sum of :attr:`lower` and :attr:`upper`, the total m/z space spanned by the window""" return self.lower + self.upper def __contains__(self, x): return self.spans(x, 0.1)
[docs] def spans(self, x, tolerance=0.1): """Test whether `x` is within the interval defined by this window's bounds. This method permits a small amount of error (controlled by `tolerance`) when computing the bounds. Equivalent to: :code:`(self.lower_bound - tolerance) <= x <= (self.upper_bound + tolerance)` Parameters ---------- x : float The number to query tolerance : float, optional The amount of error to accept when computing the bounds (the default is 0.1) Returns ------- :class:`bool` """ return (self.lower_bound - tolerance) <= x <= (self.upper_bound + tolerance)
[docs] def is_empty(self): """Tests if the window is empty (e.g. its upper bound is equal to its lower bound) Returns ------- :class:`bool` """ if self.lower is None: return self.upper is None return self.lower == self.upper == 0.0
def __nonzero__(self): return not self.is_empty() def __bool__(self): return self.__nonzero__() def __eq__(self, other): return _isclose(self.lower, other.lower) and _isclose( self.upper, other.upper) and _isclose(, def __ne__(self, other): return not (self == other) @property def __dict__(self): return _MappingOverAttributeProxy(self) def __reduce__(self): return self.__class__, (self.lower,, self.upper)
[docs]class ScanAcquisitionInformation(MutableSequence): """Describes the set distinct scans along the measurable range by the instrument that were performed to produce the acquired data :class:`ScanAcquisitionInformation` objects implement the :class:`MutableSequence` interface, acting as a sequence of :class:`ScanEventInformation` objects. Attributes ---------- combination : :class:`str` A controlled vocabulary string describing the way in which scans were combined scan_list : :class:`list` of :class:`ScanEventInformation` The list of scan events performed """ __slots__ = ("combination", "scan_list") @property def __dict__(self): return _MappingOverAttributeProxy(self) def __init__(self, combination, scan_list): # pylint: disable=super-init-not-called self.combination = combination self.scan_list = scan_list def __getitem__(self, i): return self.scan_list[i] def __setitem__(self, i, value): self.scan_list[i] = value def __delitem__(self, i): del self.scan_list[i]
[docs] def insert(self, index, value): """Insert an event at a given position Parameters ---------- index : int The position to add the new event value : :class:`ScanEventInformation` The event to insert """ if not isinstance(value, ScanEventInformation): raise TypeError( f"Expected ScanEventInformation but got {type(value)}" ) self.scan_list.insert(index, value)
def __len__(self): return len(self.scan_list) def __repr__(self): return f"ScanAcquisitionInformation(combination={self.combination}, scan_list={self.scan_list})" def __eq__(self, other): return self.combination == other.combination and self.scan_list == other.scan_list def __ne__(self, other): return not (self == other) def __reduce__(self): return self.__class__, (self.combination, self.scan_list)
[docs] def copy(self) -> 'ScanAcquisitionInformation': """Make a shallow copy of this object""" return self.__class__( self.combination, [se.copy() for se in self.scan_list])
class _IonMobilityMixin(object): __slots__ = () @property def _ion_mobility(self): return IonMobilityMethods(self) def has_ion_mobility(self): """Check whether the scan has ion mobility measure. Returns ------- bool """ return self._ion_mobility.has_ion_mobility() @property def drift_time(self): """Fetch the drift time quantity of the scan Returns ------- value: float or :const:`None` The measured drift time, or :const:`None` """ return self._ion_mobility.drift_time() @drift_time.setter def drift_time(self, value): if value is None or value == 0: return else: raise ValueError("Cannot set drift time directly yet.") @property def ion_mobility_type(self): """Fetch the ion mobility type of the scan. Returns ------- ims_type: :class:`ScanAttribute` or :const:`None` The ion mobility type, or :const:`None` """ return self._ion_mobility.ion_mobility_type() class ScanEventInformation(_IonMobilityMixin): """Describe a single instrument scan, one or more of which compose an actual :class:`Scan` object which describes a spectrum. Attributes ---------- start_time: :class:`unitfloat` The time since the experiment began when the scan started being acquired. window_list: :class:`list` of :class:`ScanWindow` The intervals over the m/z axis that were sampled from during this scan. injection_time: :class:`unitfloat` The time spent injecting ions into the analyzer. traits: :class:`dict` A mapping from :class:`ScanAttribute` to optional values describing this scan event. drift_time: :class:`unitfloat` The IMS drift time, if present, :const:`None` otherwise. Determined from :attr:`traits`. ion_mobility_type: :class:`ScanAttribute` The IMS mechanism type, if present, :const:`None` otherwise. Determined from :attr:`traits`. """ __slots__ = ("start_time", "window_list", "injection_time", "traits") @property def __dict__(self): return _MappingOverAttributeProxy(self) def __init__(self, start_time, window_list, drift_time=None, injection_time=None, traits=None, **options): self.traits = traits or {} self.traits.update(options) self.start_time = start_time self.window_list = window_list or [] self.drift_time = drift_time self.injection_time = injection_time @property def scan_configuration(self) -> Optional[str]: """Retrieve the scan configuration ID Returns ------- str, optional """ return self.traits.get('preset scan configuration') def copy(self) -> 'ScanEventInformation': """Return a shallow copy of this object""" return self.__class__( self.start_time, self.window_list[:], None, self.injection_time, self.traits.copy()) def __getitem__(self, i): return self.window_list[i] def __iter__(self): return iter(self.window_list) def __len__(self): return len(self.window_list) def __repr__(self): if self.has_ion_mobility(): tail = f", drift_time={self.drift_time}" else: tail = '' if self.injection_time is not None: tail += f', injection_time={self.injection_time}' if self.traits: tail += f", traits={self.traits}" form = f"ScanEventInformation(start_time={self.start_time}, window_list={self.window_list}{tail})" return form def __eq__(self, other): eq = _isclose(self.start_time, other.start_time) and ( self.window_list == other.window_list) if not eq: return False if self.has_ion_mobility() != other.has_ion_mobility(): return False if self.has_ion_mobility() and not _isclose(self.drift_time, other.drift_time): return False return True def __ne__(self, other): return not (self == other) def total_scan_window(self): """Create a :class:`ScanWindow` spanning from the lowest m/z of the lowest window to the highest m/z of the highest window. Returns ------- :class:`ScanWindow` """ low = float('inf') high = 0 for window in self: low = min(low, window.lower) high = max(high, window.upper) return ScanWindow(low, high) def __reduce__(self): return self.__class__, (self.start_time, self.window_list, None, self.injection_time, self.traits) class ScanWindow(namedtuple("ScanWindow", ['lower', 'upper'])): """Represent a single contiguous m/z interval that was sampled from during a scan. This type supports spanning testing using the :meth:`__contains__` method, and is equality comparable and hashable. Attributes ---------- lower: float The lower bound of the window upper: float The upper bound of the window """ __slots__ = () @property def __dict__(self): return _MappingOverAttributeProxy(self) def __reduce__(self): return self.__class__, (self.lower, self.upper) def __contains__(self, i): return self.lower <= i <= self.upper def is_empty(self): """Test whether the window's bounds are both equal to :const:`None` or `0`. Returns ------- bool """ if self.lower is None: return self.upper is None return self.lower == self.upper == 0.0 def __nonzero__(self): return not self.is_empty() def __bool__(self): return self.__nonzero__() def __eq__(self, other): return _isclose(self.lower, other.lower) and _isclose( self.upper, other.upper) def __hash__(self): return super(ScanWindow, self).__hash__() def __ne__(self, other): return not (self == other) class ScanAttribute(Term): """Describes a single trait or attribute belonging to a scan, such as injection time, filter string, or instrument configuration. """ __slots__ = () scan_attributes = [] # [[[cog # import cog # from import render_list # render_list('scan attribute', term_cls_name="ScanAttribute", writer=cog.out) # ]]] # CV Version: 4.1.95 scan_attributes = TermSet([ ScanAttribute('mass resolution', 'MS:1000011', ('Smallest mass difference between two equal magnitude peaks ' 'so that the valley between them is a specified fraction of ' 'the peak height.'), 'scan attribute', ['scan attribute', 'object attribute']), ScanAttribute('scan rate', 'MS:1000015', ('Rate in Th/sec for scanning analyzers.'), 'scan attribute', ['scan attribute', 'object attribute']), ScanAttribute('scan start time', 'MS:1000016', ('The time that an analyzer started a scan, relative to the ' 'start of the MS run.'), 'scan attribute', ['scan attribute', 'PSM-level attribute', 'object attribute', 'single identification result attribute', 'identification attribute', 'analysis attribute', 'spectrum identification result details']), ScanAttribute('zoom scan', 'MS:1000497', ('Special scan mode where data with improved resolution is ' 'acquired. This is typically achieved by scanning a more ' 'narrow m/z window or scanning with a lower scan rate.'), 'scan attribute', ['scan attribute', 'object attribute']), ScanAttribute('dwell time', 'MS:1000502', ('The time spent gathering data across a peak.'), 'scan attribute', ['scan attribute', 'object attribute']), ScanAttribute('filter string', 'MS:1000512', ('A string unique to Thermo instrument describing instrument ' 'settings for the scan.'), 'scan attribute', ['scan attribute', 'object attribute']), ScanAttribute('preset scan configuration', 'MS:1000616', ('A user-defined scan configuration that specifies the ' 'instrumental settings in which a spectrum is acquired. An ' 'instrument may cycle through a list of preset scan ' 'configurations to acquire data. This is a more generic term ' 'for the Thermo \\"scan event\\", which is defined in the ' 'Thermo Xcalibur glossary as: a mass spectrometer scan that ' 'is defined by choosing the necessary scan parameter ' 'settings. Multiple scan events can be defined for each ' 'segment of time.'), 'scan attribute', ['scan attribute', 'object attribute']), ScanAttribute('mass resolving power', 'MS:1000800', ('The observed mass divided by the difference between two ' 'masses that can be separated: m/dm. The procedure by which ' 'dm was obtained and the mass at which the measurement was ' 'made should be reported.'), 'scan attribute', ['scan attribute', 'object attribute']), ScanAttribute('analyzer scan offset', 'MS:1000803', ('Offset between two analyzers in a constant neutral loss or ' 'neutral gain scan. The value corresponds to the neutral loss ' 'or neutral gain value.'), 'scan attribute', ['scan attribute', 'object attribute']), ScanAttribute('elution time', 'MS:1000826', ('The time of elution from all used chromatographic columns ' '(one or more) in the chromatographic separation step, ' 'relative to the start of the chromatography.'), 'scan attribute', ['scan attribute', 'object attribute']), ScanAttribute('interchannel delay', 'MS:1000880', ('The duration of intervals between scanning, during which the ' 'instrument configuration is switched.'), 'scan attribute', ['scan attribute', 'object attribute']), ScanAttribute('ion injection time', 'MS:1000927', ('The length of time spent filling an ion trapping device.'), 'scan attribute', ['scan attribute', 'object attribute']), ScanAttribute('first column elution time', 'MS:1002082', ('The time of elution from the first chromatographic column in ' 'the chromatographic separation step, relative to the start ' 'of chromatography on the first column.'), 'scan attribute', ['scan attribute', 'object attribute']), ScanAttribute('second column elution time', 'MS:1002083', ('The time of elution from the second chromatographic column ' 'in the chromatographic separation step, relative to the ' 'start of the chromatography on the second column.'), 'scan attribute', ['scan attribute', 'object attribute']), ScanAttribute('instrument specific scan attribute', 'MS:1002527', ('Instrument specific scan properties that are associated with ' 'a value.'), 'scan attribute', ['scan attribute', 'object attribute']), ScanAttribute('ion mobility attribute', 'MS:1002892', ('An attribute describing ion mobility searches.'), 'scan attribute', ['scan attribute', 'PSM-level attribute', 'object attribute', 'single identification result attribute', 'identification attribute', 'analysis attribute', 'spectrum identification result details']), ScanAttribute('scan number', 'MS:1003057', ('Ordinal number of the scan indicating its order of ' 'acquisition within a mass spectrometry acquisition run.'), 'scan attribute', ['scan attribute', 'object attribute']), ScanAttribute('synchronous prefilter selection', 'MS:1002528', ('Synchronous prefilter selection.'), 'scan attribute', ['instrument specific scan attribute', 'scan attribute', 'object attribute']), ScanAttribute('FAIMS compensation voltage', 'MS:1001581', ('The DC potential applied to the asymmetric waveform in FAIMS ' 'that compensates for the difference between high and low ' 'field mobility of an ion.'), 'scan attribute', ['ion mobility attribute', 'scan attribute', 'PSM-level attribute', 'object attribute', 'single identification result attribute', 'identification attribute', 'analysis attribute', 'spectrum identification result details']), ScanAttribute('ion mobility drift time', 'MS:1002476', ('Drift time of an ion or spectrum of ions as measured in an ' 'ion mobility mass spectrometer. This time might refer to the ' 'central value of a bin into which all ions within a narrow ' 'range of drift time have been aggregated.'), 'scan attribute', ['ion selection attribute', 'ion mobility attribute', 'object attribute', 'scan attribute', 'PSM-level attribute', 'single identification result attribute', 'identification attribute', 'analysis attribute', 'spectrum identification result details']), ScanAttribute('inverse reduced ion mobility', 'MS:1002815', ('Ion mobility measurement for an ion or spectrum of ions as ' 'measured in an ion mobility mass spectrometer. This might ' 'refer to the central value of a bin into which all ions ' 'within a narrow range of mobilities have been aggregated.'), 'scan attribute', ['ion selection attribute', 'ion mobility attribute', 'object attribute', 'scan attribute', 'PSM-level attribute', 'single identification result attribute', 'identification attribute', 'analysis attribute', 'spectrum identification result details']), ]) # [[[end]]] FAIMS_compensation_voltage = scan_attributes['MS:1001581'] ion_mobility_drift_time = scan_attributes['MS:1002476'] inverse_reduced_ion_mobility = scan_attributes['MS:1002815'] ion_mobility_attribute = scan_attributes['MS:1002892'] ION_MOBILITY_TYPES = { FAIMS_compensation_voltage, ion_mobility_drift_time, inverse_reduced_ion_mobility, ion_mobility_attribute, } class IonMobilityMethods(object): """Determine the ion mobility measure of a scan event. This interface attempts to find FAIMS compensation voltage, ion mobility drift time, and inverse reduced ion mobility. Attributes ---------- scan_event: :class:`ScanEventInformation` The scan to interpret. """ def __init__(self, scan_event): self.scan_event = scan_event def _get_traits(self): return self.scan_event.traits def get(self): """Find the first ion mobility trait of the scan. Returns ------- ims_type: :class:`ScanAttribute` The ion mobility type. value: float The drift time value. """ for ims_type in ION_MOBILITY_TYPES: result = self._get_traits().get( if result is not None: return (ims_type, result) return None def has_ion_mobility(self): """Check whether the scan has ion mobility measure. Returns ------- bool """ return self.get() is not None def drift_time(self): """Fetch the drift time quantity of the scan Returns ------- value: float or :const:`None` The measured drift time, or :const:`None` """ _ims_type_value = self.get() if _ims_type_value is None: return None _ims_type, value = _ims_type_value return value def add_ion_mobility(self, ion_mobility_type, drift_time): """Set the drift time value for a specific type of ion mobility on the scan event. Parameters ---------- ion_mobility_type : :class:`unitfloat` The type of ion mobility to set the drift time for drift_time : :class:`unitfloat` The drift time, with appropriate units. """ self._get_traits()[ion_mobility_type] = drift_time def remove_ion_mobility_type(self, ion_mobility_type): """Remove a specific type of ion mobility from the scan. Parameters ---------- ion_mobility_type : :class:`ScanAttribute` The type of ion mobility to remove. """ self._get_traits().pop(ion_mobility_type) def ion_mobility_type(self): """Fetch the ion mobility type of the scan. Returns ------- ims_type: :class:`ScanAttribute` or :const:`None` The ion mobility type, or :const:`None` """ _ims_type_value = self.get() if _ims_type_value is None: return None ims_type, _value = _ims_type_value return ims_type binary_data_arrays = [] # [[[cog # import cog # from import render_list # render_list('binary data array', writer=cog.out) # ]]] # CV Version: 4.1.95 binary_data_arrays = TermSet([ Term('m/z array', 'MS:1000514', ('A data array of m/z values.'), 'binary data array', ['binary data array']), Term('intensity array', 'MS:1000515', ('A data array of intensity values.'), 'binary data array', ['binary data array']), Term('charge array', 'MS:1000516', ('A data array of charge values.'), 'binary data array', ['binary data array']), Term('signal to noise array', 'MS:1000517', ('A data array of signal-to-noise values.'), 'binary data array', ['binary data array']), Term('time array', 'MS:1000595', ('A data array of relative time offset values from a reference ' 'time.'), 'binary data array', ['binary data array']), Term('wavelength array', 'MS:1000617', ('A data array of electromagnetic radiation wavelength values.'), 'binary data array', ['binary data array']), Term('non-standard data array', 'MS:1000786', ('A data array that contains data not covered by any other ' 'term in this group. Please do not use this term, if the ' 'binary data array type might be commonly used - contact the ' 'PSI-MS working group in order to have another CV term added.'), 'binary data array', ['binary data array']), Term('flow rate array', 'MS:1000820', ('A data array of flow rate measurements.'), 'binary data array', ['binary data array']), Term('pressure array', 'MS:1000821', ('A data array of pressure measurements.'), 'binary data array', ['binary data array']), Term('temperature array', 'MS:1000822', ('A data array of temperature measurements.'), 'binary data array', ['binary data array']), Term('mean charge array', 'MS:1002478', ('Array of mean charge values where the mean charge is ' 'calculated as a weighted mean of the charges of individual ' 'peaks that are aggregated into a processed spectrum.'), 'binary data array', ['binary data array']), Term('resolution array', 'MS:1002529', ('A data array of resolution values.'), 'binary data array', ['binary data array']), Term('baseline array', 'MS:1002530', ('A data array of signal baseline values (the signal in the ' 'absence of analytes).'), 'binary data array', ['binary data array']), Term('noise array', 'MS:1002742', ('A data array of noise values.'), 'binary data array', ['binary data array']), Term('sampled noise m/z array', 'MS:1002743', ('A data array of parallel, independent m/z values for a ' 'sampling of noise across a spectrum (typically much smaller ' 'than MS:1000514, the m/z array).'), 'binary data array', ['binary data array']), Term('sampled noise intensity array', 'MS:1002744', ('A data array of intensity values for the amplitude of noise ' 'variation superposed on the baseline (MS:1002745) across a ' 'spectrum (for use with MS:1002743, sampled noise m/z array).'), 'binary data array', ['binary data array']), Term('sampled noise baseline array', 'MS:1002745', ('A data array of baseline intensity values (the intensity in ' 'the absence of analytes) for a sampling of noise across a ' 'spectrum (for use with MS:1002743, sampled noise m/z array).'), 'binary data array', ['binary data array']), Term('ion mobility array', 'MS:1002893', ('Abstract array of ion mobility data values. A more specific ' 'child term concept should be specified in data files to make ' 'precise the nature of the data being provided.'), 'binary data array', ['binary data array']), Term('mass array', 'MS:1003143', ('A data array of mass values.'), 'binary data array', ['binary data array']), Term('scanning quadrupole position lower bound m/z array', 'MS:1003157', ('Array of m/z values representing the lower bound m/z of the ' 'quadrupole position at each point in the spectrum.'), 'binary data array', ['binary data array']), Term('scanning quadrupole position upper bound m/z array', 'MS:1003158', ('Array of m/z values representing the upper bound m/z of the ' 'quadrupole position at each point in the spectrum.'), 'binary data array', ['binary data array']), Term('mean ion mobility drift time array', 'MS:1002477', ('Array of population mean ion mobility values from a drift ' 'time device, reported in seconds (or milliseconds), ' 'corresponding to a spectrum of individual peaks encoded with ' 'an m/z array.'), 'binary data array', ['ion mobility array', 'binary data array']), Term('mean ion mobility array', 'MS:1002816', ('Array of population mean ion mobility values (K or K0) based ' 'on ion separation in gaseous phase due to different ion ' 'mobilities under an electric field based on ion size, m/z ' 'and shape, corresponding to a spectrum of individual peaks ' 'encoded with an m/z array.'), 'binary data array', ['ion mobility array', 'binary data array']), Term('mean inverse reduced ion mobility array', 'MS:1003006', ('Array of population mean ion mobility values based on ion ' 'separation in gaseous phase due to different ion mobilities ' 'under an electric field based on ion size, m/z and shape, ' 'normalized for the local conditions and reported in volt- ' 'second per square centimeter, corresponding to a spectrum of ' 'individual peaks encoded with an m/z array.'), 'binary data array', ['ion mobility array', 'binary data array']), Term('raw ion mobility array', 'MS:1003007', ('Array of raw ion mobility values (K or K0) based on ion ' 'separation in gaseous phase due to different ion mobilities ' 'under an electric field based on ion size, m/z and shape, ' 'corresponding to a spectrum of individual peaks encoded with ' 'an m/z array.'), 'binary data array', ['ion mobility array', 'binary data array']), Term('raw inverse reduced ion mobility array', 'MS:1003008', ('Array of raw ion mobility values based on ion separation in ' 'gaseous phase due to different ion mobilities under an ' 'electric field based on ion size, m/z and shape, normalized ' 'for the local conditions and reported in volt-second per ' 'square centimeter, corresponding to a spectrum of individual ' 'peaks encoded with an m/z array.'), 'binary data array', ['ion mobility array', 'binary data array']), Term('raw ion mobility drift time array', 'MS:1003153', ('Array of raw ion mobility values from a drift time device, ' 'reported in seconds (or milliseconds), corresponding to a ' 'spectrum of individual peaks encoded with an m/z array.'), 'binary data array', ['ion mobility array', 'binary data array']), Term('deconvoluted ion mobility array', 'MS:1003154', ('Array of ion mobility values (K or K0) based on ion ' 'separation in gaseous phase due to different ion mobilities ' 'under an electric field based on ion size, m/z and shape, as ' 'an average property of an analyte post peak-detection, ' 'weighted charge state reduction, and/or adduct aggregation, ' 'corresponding to a spectrum of individual peaks encoded with ' 'an m/z array.'), 'binary data array', ['ion mobility array', 'binary data array']), Term('deconvoluted inverse reduced ion mobility array', 'MS:1003155', ('Array of ion mobility values based on ion separation in ' 'gaseous phase due to different ion mobilities under an ' 'electric field based on ion size, m/z and shape, normalized ' 'for the local conditions and reported in volt-second per ' 'square centimeter, as an average property of an analyte post ' 'peak-detection, weighted charge state reduction, and/or ' 'adduct aggregation, corresponding to a spectrum of ' 'individual peaks encoded with an m/z array.'), 'binary data array', ['ion mobility array', 'binary data array']), Term('deconvoluted ion mobility drift time array', 'MS:1003156', ('Array of mean ion mobility values from a drift time device, ' 'reported in seconds (or milliseconds), as an average ' 'property of an analyte post peak-detection, weighted charge ' 'state reduction, and/or adduct aggregation, corresponding to ' 'a spectrum of individual peaks encoded with an m/z array.'), 'binary data array', ['ion mobility array', 'binary data array']), ]) # [[[end]]] __all__ = [ "IsolationWindow", "ScanAcquisitionInformation", "ScanEventInformation", "ScanWindow", "ScanAttribute", "scan_attributes", ]