Source code for ms_deisotope.data_source.mzmlb

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""mzMLb is a standard rich HDF5-based format for raw mass spectrometry data storage.
This module provides :class:`MzMLbLoader`, a :class:`~.RandomAccessScanSource`
implementation. It is based upon the mzML XML file format, re-using a subset of the
features. The original design for mzMLb is described in [Bhamber]_.

The parser is based on :mod:`pyteomics.mzmlb`. It requires :mod:`h5py` to be installed
for reading, and :mod:`hdf5plugin` to use the faster, non-zlib-based compressors.

.. [Bhamber] Bhamber, R. S., Jankevics, A., Deutsch, E. W., Jones, A. R., & Dowsey, A. W. (2021).
    MzMLb: A Future-Proof Raw Mass Spectrometry Data Format Based on Standards-Compliant
    mzML and Optimized for Speed and Storage Requirements. Journal of Proteome Research,
    20(1), 172–183.

import logging

    from pyteomics import mzmlb
    _BaseParser = mzmlb.MzMLb

except ImportError as impl_import_err:
    mzmlb = None

    class _BaseParser:
        def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
            raise impl_import_err

from .mzml import MzMLLoader as _MzMLLoader
from ._compression import DefinitelyFastRandomAccess

class _MzMLbParser(_BaseParser):

    def _handle_param(self, element, **kwargs):
        except KeyError:
            element.attrib["value"] = ""
        return super(_MzMLbParser, self)._handle_param(element, **kwargs)

[docs]class MzMLbLoader(_MzMLLoader): """Reads scans from PSI-HUPO mzMLb HDF5 files. Provides both iterative and random access. Attributes ---------- source_file: str Path to file to read from. source: pyteomics.mzmlb.MzMLb Underlying scan data source """ _parser_cls = _MzMLbParser @property def has_fast_random_access(self): return DefinitelyFastRandomAccess
[docs] @classmethod def prebuild_byte_offset_file(cls, path): """A stub method. MzMLb does not require an external index. Parameters ---------- path : :class:`str` or file-like The path to the file to index, or a file-like object with a name attribute. """ return None
def is_mzmlb_file(path): """Detect whether or not the file referenced by ``path`` is a mzMLb file. Parameters ---------- path: :class:`str` The path to test Returns ------- :class:`bool`: Whether or not the file is a mzMLb file. """ try: import h5py if mzmlb is None: raise impl_import_err except ImportError: return False try: source = h5py.File(path, 'r') source['mzML'] return True except KeyError: return False def infer_reader(path): """If the file referenced by ``path`` is a mzMLb file, return the callable (:class:`MzMLbLoader`) to open it, otherwise raise an exception. Parameters ---------- path: :class:`str` The path to test Returns ------- :class:`type`: The type to use to open the file Raises ------ :class:`ValueError`: If the file is not a mzMLb file """ if is_mzmlb_file(path): return MzMLbLoader raise ValueError("Not mzMLb File") def determine_if_available(): """Checks whether or not the mzMLb HDF5-based file reading feature is available. Returns ------- :class:`bool`: Whether or not the feature is enabled. """ try: import h5py if mzmlb is None: raise ImportError('pyteomics.mzmlb') return True except (OSError, ImportError): return False