Isotopic Pattern Generation

The ms_deisotope.averagine module contains several pre-created isotopic models whose name is derived from the original peptide averagine [Senko], as well as isotopic models for other common molecular classes. Isotopic patterns are generated from a chemical composition using brainpy, which is an implementation of the Baffling Recursive Algorithm for Isotopic distributioN calculations [Dittwald2014].

import ms_deisotope

# Senko peptide averagine
isotopic_pattern = ms_deisotope.peptide.isotopic_cluster(966.12, 2)
for peak in isotopic_pattern:
    print(, peak.intensity)
ms_deisotope includes several pre-defined averagines (or “averagoses” as may be more appropriate):
  1. Senko’s peptide - ms_deisotope.peptide

  2. Native N- and O-glycan - ms_deisotope.glycan

  3. Permethylated glycan - ms_deisotope.permethylated_glycan

  4. Glycopeptide - ms_deisotope.glycopeptide

  5. Sulfated Glycosaminoglycan - ms_deisotope.heparan_sulfate

  6. Unsulfated Glycosaminoglycan - ms_deisotope.heparin

class ms_deisotope.averagine.Averagine(base_composition)

An isotopic model which can be used to interpolate the composition of a class of molecule given an average monomer composition and a theoretical polymer mass

Implements the Mapping interface.


A mapping from element symbol to average count (float) of that element for the average monomer




The base mass of the average monomer. Calculated from base_composition



isotopic_cluster(self, double mz, int charge=1, double charge_carrier=PROTON, double truncate_after=0.95, double ignore_below=0.0) TheoreticalIsotopicPattern

Generate a theoretical isotopic pattern for the given m/z and charge state, thresholded by theoretical peak height and density.

  • mz (float) – The reference m/z to calculate the neutral mass to interpolate from

  • charge (int, optional) – The reference charge state to calculate the neutral mass. Defaults to 1

  • charge_carrier (float, optional) – The mass of the charge carrier. Defaults to the mass of a proton.

  • truncate_after (float, optional) – The percentage of the signal in the theoretical isotopic pattern to include. Defaults to 0.95, including the first 95% of the signal in the generated pattern

  • ignore_below (float, optional) – Omit theoretical peaks whose intensity is below this number. Defaults to 0.0


The generated and thresholded pattern

Return type


scale(self, double mz, int charge=1, double charge_carrier=PROTON) dict

Given an m/z and a charge state, interpolate the composition of the polymer with the matching neutral mass

  • mz (float) – The reference m/z to calculate the neutral mass to interpolate from

  • charge (int, optional) – The reference charge state to calculate the neutral mass. Defaults to 1

  • charge_carrier (float, optional) – The mass of the charge carrier. Defaults to the mass of a proton.


The interpolated composition for the calculated neutral mass, rounded to the nearest integer and hydrogen corrected.

Return type



Senko, M. W., Beu, S. C., & McLafferty, F. W. (1995). Determination of monoisotopic masses and ion populations for large biomolecules from resolved isotopic distributions. Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 6(4), 229–233.

class ms_deisotope.averagine.TheoreticalIsotopicPattern(peaklist, origin, offset=None)

Represent a theoretical isotopic peak list


The theoretical isotopic pattern peak list


list of brainpy.TheoreticalPeak


The monoisotopic peak’s m/z



ignore_below(self, double ignore_below=0.0) TheoreticalIsotopicPattern

Discards peaks whose intensity is below ignore_below.

After discarding peaks, the pattern will be renormalized to sum to 1.0


ignore_below (float, optional) – The threshold below which peaks will be discarded



Return type


scale(self, list experimental_distribution, str method='sum') TheoreticalIsotopicPattern

Scales self’s intensity to match the intensity distribution of the experimental isotopic pattern in experimental_distribution.

The method argument must be one of:


Scale each peak of the theoretical distribution by the sum of the intensity in the experimental distribution such that the sums of their intensities are equal.


Select the most abundant peak in the theoretical distribution \(t_i\), find it’s match in the experimental distribution \(e_i\), find the scaling factor \(\alpha = \frac{e_i}{t_i}\) which will make \(e_i == t_i\) and scale all peaks in self by \(\alpha\)


As in “max”, except the most abundant peak index is taken from the experimental distribution


The as in “max”, but the scaling factor is the mean of the scale factors for the top three most abundant theoretical peaks.

  • experimental_distribution (list) – The experimental peaks matched

  • method (str, optional) – The scaling method to use. Defaults to "sum"



Return type


shift(self, double mz) TheoreticalIsotopicPattern

Shift all the m/z of peaks in the isotopic pattern by offset m/z.

This will update origin to reflect the new starting monoisotopic m/z.


offset (float) – The amount to shift each peak in the pattern by in m/z



Return type


truncate_after(self, double truncate_after=0.95) TheoreticalIsotopicPattern

Drops peaks from the end of the isotopic pattern which make up the last 1 - truncate_after percent of the isotopic pattern.

After truncation, the pattern is renormalized to sum to 1


truncate_after (float, optional) – The percentage of the isotopic pattern signal to retain. Defaults to 0.95.



Return type


class ms_deisotope.averagine.AveragineCache(averagine, backend=None, double cache_truncation=1.)

A wrapper around a Averagine instance which will cache isotopic patterns produced for new (m/z, charge) pairs and reuses it for nearby m/z values


The averagine to use to generate new isotopic patterns




Number of decimal places to round off the m/z for caching purposes



isotopic_cluster(self, double mz, int charge=1, double charge_carrier=PROTON, double truncate_after=0.95, double ignore_below=0.0) TheoreticalIsotopicPattern

Generate a theoretical isotopic pattern for the given m/z and charge state, thresholded by theoretical peak height and density.

Mimics Averagine.isotopic_cluster() but uses the object’s cache through has_mz_charge_pair().

  • mz (float) – The reference m/z to calculate the neutral mass to interpolate from

  • charge (int, optional) – The reference charge state to calculate the neutral mass. Defaults to 1

  • charge_carrier (float, optional) – The mass of the charge carrier. Defaults to the mass of a proton.

  • truncate_after (float, optional) – The percentage of the signal in the theoretical isotopic pattern to include. Defaults to 0.95, including the first 95% of the signal in the generated pattern

  • ignore_below (float, optional) – Omit theoretical peaks whose intensity is below this number. Defaults to 0.0


The generated and thresholded pattern

Return type



Senko, M. W., Beu, S. C., & McLafferty, F. W. (1995). Determination of monoisotopic masses and ion populations for large biomolecules from resolved isotopic distributions. Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 6(4), 229–233.


Dittwald, P., & Valkenborg, D. (2014). BRAIN 2.0: time and memory complexity improvements in the algorithm for calculating the isotope distribution. Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 25(4), 588–94.